Anonymous ID: b369dd May 28, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.1573194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3229 >>3230

Apologies for the shitpost, but I need to vent


This is good vs evil, and good vs. evil doesn’t give a crap about race or religion. Those that bring this hate and division are the problem. Q could never show up again, but his job is done here. I am a better person for it. I have more faith in my God, My Country, and Anons. His/her/team’s job was simple, enlighten us to see the truth. And we do. We dig, we connect, we learn, we become one but as individuals. Unique individuals with the same hope that good will win over evil. And it will. The PLAN is the plan, and it will move forward, regardless. All the drivel that consumes bread after bread is nothing more than that, drivel. Re-read the crumbs, we have more than we know. I am at peace with the choices I have made. Thank you and God Bless You All.