Anonymous ID: c0d8d2 May 28, 2018, 9 p.m. No.1572917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2950


We wait. We learn. We share. We wait to see if we will be forced to use our guns to fight for survival. We plan for the worst and hope for the best.


Is all that trite enough for you? Make no mistake. The USA was slated to be destroyed. Obummer tried and tried to win a civil war in his war games. He could not. Not even close.


>Killary wins the election.

>US troops move into Iran and Syria.

>Greater Isreal established.

>EU forms a Super State and raises an army.

>The final sales of USA assets sold off. China replaces the USA.

>Per TPP agreements parts of USA ceded to Mexico "correcting" 1853 Hidalgo treaty.

>Civil war

>3 branches of Government now 1. The Constitution suspended.

>Escalation with North Korea. Elites begin to move underground and to China.

>Chinese empty cities filled.

>The world's largest false flag nuke and EMP

>Estimated 100 to 200 million die of war, disease and starvation.

>UN moves in to "rescue." Population controlled.

>The Queen dies/steps down. Prince Charles abdicates to his son Prince William.

>Sharia law enforced in Europe.

>Terror cells released and engage the population.

>King William disolves Parliament and restores order.

>The Monarchy restored. The EU dissolved.

>Prince Harry given North America and wife Meghan becomes POTUS 46.

>Welcome to the NWO. Have a nice day.