Anonymous ID: fb9707 May 28, 2018, 8:32 p.m. No.1572597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2616 >>2841 >>2909

I apologize in advance for being such a tard I have to ask, but IRL stuff blah blah…I did manage to catch the Wikileaks "expose" of Q and was blown away. What's the opinions around here?


It is illogical to say on one hand it's a halfchan LARP or psyops but how do they wrap their brains around the fact that if this was indeed true I've little doubt the gov. would have put a stop to it. Also, if Q were somehow comp'd I've little doubt we'd be given that info as well.


We were infiltrated by JIDF gone. Finally. But I'm honestly not getting this sudden OMG Q is fake from Wikileaks of all places. Especially when early Q posts led us to believe Assange was not even in the embassy any longer …etc…was that a psyop on a psyop if so why didn't Wikileaks speak out then.


HALP I'm tarded out here.

Anonymous ID: fb9707 May 28, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.1572720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2766


>Trump would have LONG ago brought this up UNLESS Trump is cabal.


I completely agree which is why the entire wikileaks expose was illogical. I was hoping ya'll would have already worked out what the real story is on this. It makes zero sense that Wikileaks is posting like that. Trump is not cabal of course…and whether he is or not has nothing to do with the concept that half could cook something like this up. Of course they could, but half being half….that herd of cats couldn't keep this up for close to a year…(counting FBIAnon and MegaAnon). Half is so infiltrated at this point it isn't even fun to read there anymore.