The original title is misleading, made it sound as if the embassy was under attack by Nazi's! Kek!!!
>Needs a wordmemefag's deft hand…o7.
>Date: 2005 December 8, 13:53 (Thursday)
From: Lithuania Vilnius
To: N/A or Blank [wtf]
Original Classification:SECRET
Current Classification:SECRET
(C)Respublika Groupmedia outlets and Lithuanian politicians continue to attack legitimate non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in a seemingly coordinated campaign that began November 8 (reftel).Ambassador Mull, responding publicly to an inquiry from the Labor Party, defended USG support for NGOs in Lithuania. He also censured the ruling coalition's call for investigation of civil society organizations in Lithuania. Several observers believe that the campaign's architects emphasize the role ofGeorge Sorosin NGO financing because they expect it will keep the USG silent. One high-level Foreign Ministry official noted that politicalparties "who get Russian moneyare the most active in this affair." We are encouraging leaders in the Lithuanian and international community to reject this dangerous campaign. End Summary.
(SBU) Respublika Group's media attacks on civil society NGOs and George Soros have continued unabated since November 8. The attacks began with aseries on Soros depicting him as a billionaire meddler with CIA tieswho wants to undermine political stability through manipulation of civil society. The papers then began to tar with the same brush President Adamkus and NGO leaders who have been involved with or funded bySoros's Open Society Fund. (Tomkus is best known for his series of anti-Semitic and homophobic articles in his flagship daily Respublika in 2004, which begat international condemnation and higher sales.)
(U) Over the last three weeks, several political parties have begun to pile on. Members from each of the four parties in the governing coalition (Labor, Social Democrats, Peasant/New Democracy, and New Union) and the populist Liberal Democrats requested that the Special Investigative Service (STT) and the Lithuanian intelligence apparatus investigate Soros's and the NGOs' activities in Lithuania. STT Director Malakauskas declined, dismissing the charges as politically motivated and unworthy of his agency's attention. The Labor Party sent a letter to Ambassador Mull asking for USG "confirmation" of NGO connivance against the Lithuanian state, and told the press that it was awaiting our response.
(U) The Ambassador responded to Labor's public request with a letter, released simultaneously to the press, that emphasized: the central role that civil society institutions play in developing Lithuania's young democracy; that our support for civil society supports those who fight corruption, promote good governance, an independent media, and active civil society; and – the need to promote civil society, not attack it.
>from a dig several years ago…