Anonymous ID: 011204 Feb. 26, 2022, 4:15 a.m. No.15727499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7501 >>7508 >>7690

The following was posted by nobodyspecial via Disqus Comment (Saturday, February 26, 2022 12:32 AM PST) for a article, sauce/reference at end of posts:


Part 1


Solarwinds was done by whitehats…LOL. They infiltrated in March or so, election Nov 3rd, HACK exposed by whitehats that did it in Dec…ROFLMAO (trump is so far ahead of them in this game). This is where the term "WE GOT IT ALL" comes from. They can delete the entire election DB if desired, and dems will still SEE all the CORRUPTION at some point from SPACEFORCE/NSA (Gen. Nakasone has it all and so does Durham). Now you know why they hate Elon too…LOL. It's his network that helped to catch it all…ROFLMAO. Now you know why SEC is attacking him. Funny DOJ got enough evidence from Elon to take down TWO SHORT traders so far. Next Elon takes out the SEC for helping hedge fund managers CHEAT little guys like US. "The SEC started the fight, but I WILL FINISH IT". Elon says he has been building a huge case against SEC (yeah, same network caught all their phone calls, emails etc, to hedge fund managers…LOL).


This NV hack was done by FBI/CIA etc to fake a war in RUSSIA (if it's even REAL, maybe just told NV to lie or die?), where neo-nazis REALLY do live and prosper and RUN the govt in ukraine pretty much. I hope putin/Volodymyr (SP? whatever, you get it) kill ALL the nazi's. Remember, they killed 24million RUSSIANS. Both of these guys hate NAZIS. Are you looking for the REAL KKK today? Look no further than UKRAINE. The Zelensky is a JEW and 3 members of his family IIRC, died in the holocaust, so they really want them OUT of UKRAINE after Obama installed them 2014 (they didn't expect this guy I guess?). Now you know why Obama/Biden sent tents and food to win a war he wanted to LOSE (because deep state nazi's were taking it over for them to launder their money for ages again). Regime change happens when CIA needs you to go because you don't go along with their BS agenda (sell drugs, traffic slaves, steal money from USA by the billions - See Hunter Biden deals etc, everyone is in there, pelosi, Kerry, Biden, Soros, Penchok, Romney etc etc, 12 countries funnel money through ukraine).


Wake up people, you are being fed fake news. Listen to the two guys themselves. Putin/Zelensky are NOT at war, listen to them, not USA news etc. The entire deep state is out there whining about saving ukraine lives…LOL. But none of them want to do anything about USA border? Ukraine is NOT EVEN IN NATO! What are we doing? Oh, protecting the deep states money laundering country? Ahhh, I see now. NO thanks, KILL ALL THE NAZIS PUTIN! Note President XI of china said he supports PUTIN in NEGOTIATIONS with UKRAINE. NOT WAR…Even XI knows this isn't a war. The two are TALKING not fighting, and talking about how to KILL NEO NAZIS who run the west of ukraine and govt. Why do you think PUTIN is telling their military (ukraine!) to REMEMBER YOUR OATH to your people. He's telling them to stand up for the PEOPLE, not the nazi's. Volodymyr did not say he's in danger from PUTIN, he said his enemy is going to kill him and his family. He meant NAZI's not PUTIN.


Zelenksy wants the pipeline going through ukraine! Putin moved it because deep state is raking in money from it (yeah, he doesn't want to help people that killed 24mil russians ages ago!). So he went around it, and they're pissed…LOL.


All we have to do is turn back on OUR USA pipelines and this whole BS scam is over, gas back to $1.80 like trump etc. This is all fake news people. Wake up, you are being fed lies even by FOX NEWS now. They are ALL IN ON THIS ELECTION STEAL, RESET ETC.

Anonymous ID: 011204 Feb. 26, 2022, 4:16 a.m. No.15727501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7512 >>7521 >>7560 >>7690



Part 2


DEVOLUTION IS IN PROGRESS. Q account on truthsocial was created a day before Trumps own account on 10th (Scavino also on 10th)? Q created on 9th? Q retruthing Patel Patriot's devolution memes during his show?…Still think Q is fake people? We have no president right now. Military is following the PEADS that the dems keep trying to get their hands on…ROFLMAO. Still have no idea what happened in 1870/1871 acts? Prussiagate mean anything? Wake up and and stop watching fake news on TV/cable. Get new sources. DO NOT TAKE THE SHOTS! Read Patel Patriot's devolution articles (up to 17 coming up now, and 3rd short film on the way if you're lazy and won't read). Dauntless dialogue search on rumble for movies (lots of red pills there). The data is out there for you to wake up and realize the news is the CIA/FBI, nothing more, nothing less. They are NOT the free press today. They are the enemy of the people for REAL. Trump, yet again, was right.


Patel Patriot

X22 report


Praying Medic

and on and on…Qanon is not a joke people. There is a reason the entire deep state can't stop talking about them as terrorists…NO they just are good at tracking pedos and finding data on corruption. Antifa/BLM are terrorists, not Qanon. Truckers left all areas CLEANER than when they came. BLM/Antifa burned down 2-4B worth of businesses and property, not to mention all the murders/crime etc. Root for Putin/Zelenksy, not the DEEP STATE/NAZI's. Yes, sadly, they run our country currently also. Look at their roots, lineage! They are all connected to people you'd want dead ages ago. They all changed names etc to hide. Windsors etc. Royal house of windsor is a bunch of nazi's. Google the name changes of all these bastards people…Maybe you'll figure out why trump keeps saying certain dates WRONG repeatedly (he's telling you about the prussians, prince or orange etc). That is why trumps says his dad was born in germany (er, NY is Germany? USA germany company basically? Well fake UK company that used to be Germany Nazis? LOL, oh crap - yeah a bunch of germans changed names and dropped titles to not be executed as NAZIS - moved to usa too…Running darpa, google, etc…LOL). Trump tweeted in 2012 that Obama stole the election from Romney with machines. He's known all along, and that data is in the file (his 2008 election is in there flipping like antrum SP).


Red Pill or Blue Pill people? Stop eating the blue…Take the red for a while and learn. Your country is not what you think it is, no matter WHERE you are in the world. Deep state runs everywhere now. Hope you have your money where they can't put a hold on it forever. Get your money out of banks especially canada now. USA next. HIDE your money (think gold, crypto, hard assets, land etc) in things they can't control as much as you can.


So the CIA/FBI (darpa?) did a hack, and they want us to think russia did it, if there even was a hack at all (DNC servers were NOT hacked, Seth Rich GAVE the data to wikileaks and was killed for it by HRC). Crowdstrike has NEVER given the servers to FBI (unbelievable), as COMEY testified under oath (no, we just trust the great company from UKRAINE)…ROFL. Servers in UKRAINE still…WTF, does this sound like a REAL investigation to you? FBI just lets ukraine company (never mind how/where those people are from, dig in, it's interesting), who's owner worked for mueller (ROFL) check OUR DB for theft. Yep, they have no reason to lie about Russia hacking DNC when Putin hates them, and they hate him. Ukraine is deep state's HOME. Literally their HUB of life. Nazi home now too. Then again, they are in our top families here too so…pffft…All of our top officials are pretty much related to communists/nazis in some way shape or form. Infiltration is so massive in scale, worldwide, just listen to Klaus. Rogan talked about it on his show, blown away by the fact that they openly tell you they are about to reset (yeah, another conspiracy theory, NOT a theory now). He wrote a BOOK on the reset people. HE WROTE THE GREAT RESET BOOK! How f'ing dumb do you have to be to NOT be red-pilled after what he said on stage AND the TITLE of his freaking book. Conspiracy? FU idiots. He wrote the freaking book! Stop being stupid.

Anonymous ID: 011204 Feb. 26, 2022, 4:17 a.m. No.15727508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7623 >>7690



Part 3


Is this coming out in CHINESE people? WAKE THE F UP. The story is so ridiculous (but true), yet all of it is in your face. Klaus Schwab doesn't even hide it now. He stated the WEF has infiltrated EVERY WESTERN DEMOCRACY at EVERY LEVEL of govt, institutions etc. He even stated they OWN OVER 1/2 of canada. What do you know, canada confiscating money on behalf of KLAUS now and stopping the question from being asked on the floor in canada (guy asked, uh, who is WORKING WITH WEF for klaus in canada? The guy running the show immediately claimed he couldn't here audio and moved along - they voted 185 to 140 or so to KEEP taking people's BANK ACCOUNTS - So Klaus isn't lying according to the VOTE right?)! The WEF, CDC, FDA, IMF, NATO, UN etc, all the same group keeping you in wars, bankrupting your economy every 50yrs or so etc. Wake up, they are saying it IN YOUR FACE today. WE OWN YOU. Then again, you outnumber THEM, so…Now you know why they are forcing depopulation…LOL. If you can't control people we need fewer of them :) KISS principle people. It really is that simple today. IF you are in the way, you are on the way to being cancelled to death because you are a terrorist for THINKING for yourself. You can't be doing that crap! Think what we TELL YOU to think or die! Yep. Got it, loud and clear, and refuse to listen or DIE, or take your shots, or anything else from FDA, CDC, WHO, etc etc…ALL BS agencies lying to you right and left to your face and HIDING their data!


Oh now, I'm a terrorist for posting this now…LOL. LGB ;) WWG1WGA. Is that a knock at the door? LOL. Whatever, (probably) loads all guns and waits. :) ROFL.


Zelenksy just handed out 10000 AR15's to his people…So, I guess you should have a gun to protect yourself HUH? He's arming CITIZENS to stop NAZI's from KILLING HIM and his FAMILY! He already said he may be dead soon, and it isn't FEAR of putin. It's the NAZI's coming for him. Yeah, the Queen of England is a NAZI. I said it. So what. Everyone changed names in 1917 or so and many came here with USA govt blessing to work at Darpa etc. Bastards. CIA/FBI and many others need to be shut down.


Ever wonder where taxes came from in USA? 1913. READ people. It's only going to be on the rich, yeah, how many pay INCOME/PAYROLL taxes today? Look up a chart. Neither were paid before these bastards came here to USA. It was all Tariffs and excise taxes ONLY. We likely don't need more than 1T tops to run the entire govt (I'd say 500-750B actually). The rest of the 4T the blow yearly is just stealing from USA tax payers and sending it to all the 3 letter agencies around the globe to enrich their friends and kill you whenever they want (basically whenever you wake up, they ACT up). Elizabeth Warren keeps claiming that crap, yet since 1913, it's been lies, lies and more lies. REPEAL the 16th Amendment TODAY! All of the pain of taxes goes away and USA flourishes (well, kill the CB/FED also, then back in business). We need a decentralized currency like a few good cryptos (maybe a few dozen used globally, nobody can stop you from working/earning then over your opinions).




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