so my mom puts a letter/envelope on the table that is for me (she put it on a package I ordered) and she puts it with adress downwards?
when I now would have "turned it around" the "white" letter bc being curious who that letter is from, would you guys have used that to sell lies that contradict very much all the things I am saying?
are you really that desperate you lying cunts?
or was it maybe about her coming inside and lying a white letter there so it could be sold as if I would follow you when I go outside for a smoke at any time? I do smoke every 1 or so hours, do you really sell that bs as if you would make me go smoke?
do you sell me smoking at something super important for the wheater or such?
why do you keep lying?
or is it maybe about you selling the deamon lie? the lie that basically enabled all the bad shit ever done, including you willing to have your loved ones killed, you willing to act like total robots controlled in everything you do, including children being "treated" against "deamons" by having them turtured, raped and killed?
don´t you realize that is ONLY done to controll you with that shit and to earn money from it and to break all of you slowly?
when I mom walked in, or some minutes before you guys cranked up the machine again that is adjusted to my body, muscles and such and that makes my legs buzz and my heart bump heavilyy and quickly. it is not even that fancy tech, given that you could adjusthat thing to my body while being in Berlin.
would the fact that noises, like my mom making loud (unusual loud) noises when putting away dishes from dishwasher or such, enhance my beating hard, point to "her deamons" she just icked up at shopping while wearing a blue jacket bc before I was quite pissed off?
would me going for a smoke either "explain" that the deamons were too much for me and I could not stand it or was it used to make it look like if I followed you?
there are no deamons. nothing you do is for the different bs reasons you are being told. it is all a lie. a lie that is one of many (but in this case the last lie, "Israel saved for last" = you "have" to make me carry the cross bc obviously trying to break me every day is totally the best thing for humanity and all of you).
I do not follow you.
there are no deamons.
when I am pissed off, it is bc actual people willingly and knowingly pissed me off. they use the hive mind against me, e.g. they know when I am thinking about and do the opposite to piss me off, e.g. putting more salt on my fries and little things like that. if those little things happen day after day, it obviously pisses my of and indeed slowly breaks me.
you are even to much afraid to say the stuff you sell out loud. you sell different lies to different people. and when one lie is blown you be like
<ok, brother, this actually was a lie, now you have proven I can give you the real truth: it´s this - another bs explanation follows
when you also see that this is bs they switch to the next lie.
as done all the time.