what if looking glass/ project stargate revealed exactly as you say, that mulitiple "alien" or rather interdimensional beings have the knowledge you describe and manipulate our myth/history to use this planet as the theater for their proxy wars? some think of us as corn/cattle, but actually we have all the power we need. why else would so much frequency manipulation be necessary to interfere with inate human potential to interface with the quantum wave function. puharich found out. . .many others
At this time in his life, Sequoia was going through a period of adolescent rebellion. Usually referred to as Quoi for short, he had taken the name "Q". He was captured by the pirate Raptra, but she decided not to deliver him to the Thanosi. They escaped to a region of space called "the Rot", in which space itself was being consumed by beings created by Death and the Thanosi. After a great battle involving the Avengers and Mantis, the Rot was defeated, so Quoi and Raptra remained in that sector of space to help its recovery.[11]Dream Projection: Quoi was able to manipulate the dreams of other people, such as making Tony Stark dream about the slaughter of the Cotati.[14]
" Pursued by the Strangers, Murdoch discovers that he has psychokinesis—the ability to alter reality at will—which the Strangers also possess, and refer to as "tuning". He manages to use these powers to escape from them."