Anonymous ID: 29645f May 28, 2018, 10:03 p.m. No.1573522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3529 >>3591

Anons, I think Q's lack of posts the past six days has a purpose, so that we can take a step back from the 40k foot view and interpret the spygate revelations how a normie would, and do all we can to red pill them.


How many times lately has Q said "We the People!", "We fight!", "We are in this together", and "We are Q"? Q has made this a team effort from the beginning, he gave us all these crumbs so that we would be able to awaken the country. We knew this day would come, now it is time to do our part. Trump and Q have clearly shown that the pillars of our democracy, truth and justice, are under serious attack. They have done the hard part, below is just a very small sampling of how opinions in the U.S. have changed since Q started posting. Now it is time for us to show that we are angry, and that we demand these monsters pay for their crimes.


1) Russian collusion is Fake News - "Harvard Poll: 60 Percent See Probe Ending Within 6 Months"

2) Trump has their best interests in mind - "Rasmussen: Trump Approval Hits 51 Percent"

3) Leaders in Hollywood and Congress are sexual predators - "Americans think sexual harassment is a problem in Hollywood and DC — Share of voters who said it was a big problem in Hollywood - 59%. Federal Government/DC? 43%"

4) There is a Deep State - "Poll: 74 percent of Americans believe 'deep state' exists"


So what do I propose we do? Very simple. Start a petition on We the People! calling for a Second Church Committee into #SpyGate, force Congress to stop slow walking Judicial appointments, and empanel a Grand Jury to prosecute crimes detailed in the Inspector General report. Argue that the conditions of the passage below from the Declaration of Indepence have been fufilled, and list as many factually-based abuses and ursurpations of power of the Deep State in the same way our founders did against King George III, demanding we cut all ties with these criminals and are granted full disclosure of their crimes.


"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.


The "2nd American Revolution" has always been my favorite label for this movement, let's give the historians a reason to label it that. We can spread this all over social media and even break into the media like we did for #ReleaseTheMemo. Let me know what you think anons, and baker if you think it's a good idea please add to notables.

Anonymous ID: 29645f May 28, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.1573688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3689 >>3695 >>3702


Have you followed spygate at all? It has nothing to do with the Mueller investigation. That started a year ago. Spygate started two years ago, they used at least one FBI, one CIA mole, and probably a lot more all justified with the Fake Dossier. They used Five Eyes, requested by President Obama, before they even bothered with the FISA courts. The White House ran the investigation, that came out in the texts. There is going to be a lot more coming out about SPYGATE, not Mueller. Mueller was just the bridge to Spygate. Spygate is MOAB, it proves the existence of the Deep State and their infiltration of the justice system and is outrageous enough Congress, the media, and the public cannot ignore it