Anonymous ID: 5a53b8 May 28, 2018, 10:01 p.m. No.1573505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3554

>>1573229 (lb all)


>Those that bring this hate and division are the problem.

No, this is too simplistic. "All tolerance all the time" is new age modern liberalist bs designed to disarm the good against invasion by the evil. Keep digging, and consider that the anons here that Q thinks so highly of might know something for all their digging that you have yet to learn. Q says we should keep "unity" among the ranks of the good, but he also says to "fight" "pure evil" in reference to those we're making war against. Anons who know their history and the many names (((they))) go by are not being "divisive," they are fighting the good fight. The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.



This ^^^ is the truth, as difficult as it is to accept at first. But truth frees, so the brave press on. Be brave. Press on.



>evil has no preferences to kind of people it takes from

>only bloodlines matter.

There is a cognitive dissonance in these statements. Understandable, we were programmed to have it.

Think about it: Bloodlines ARE ppl.

So yes, not only do bloodlines matter, but so do the ppl they track with. They have names, and "religion" is only one of them, a cover. The anons have been the only ones brave enough to speak the names for awhile. It's a big reason they had to go underground and say it ANONYMOUSLY. Because the ones who rule over you are the ones you AREN'T allowed to criticize.

Q came here for a reason.

That reason is unfiltered, truth.


Understand also, no one is wanting to blame individuals for wrongs he didn't commit, whether or not he belongs to the (((bloodlines))). But there is a many thousands' year war of good vs. evil going, and the ppl we know today as "jews" are intermingled with it to a great degree. Even the most superficial dig will show it. It's how we all came to the conclusion. First we heard others saying it, then we noticed, and dug, then experienced shock and dissonance, then held our noses and dove back in. Lather rinse repeat. Eventually you can't escape it. It's been in front of you this whole time. All it takes is to open to door and dig. Why do you think the shills push so hard to prevent that?


These are hard truths, no doubt. But truth saves. If you want it, you've got to dig for it yourself.

Anonymous ID: 5a53b8 May 28, 2018, 10:07 p.m. No.1573562   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1573229 (lb)

Apologies, meant to amplify this ^^^ as truth, not 1573194. I'm just glad to see the board relaxing on allowing everyone to speak openly on this topic again. Yes, shills come on here and try to confuse the normies, but truth-seekers have to wade through it to discern the honest from the tricksters.

Anonymous ID: 5a53b8 May 28, 2018, 10:33 p.m. No.1573732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3753


>They don't seem to grasp that everytime they defend the indefensible it makes them more visibly guilty.

They do grasp it, they just hope to stun their prey by acting so outside our norms we pause to wonder whether we're missing something, and that pause gives them an advantage. It's a strategy. They have a word for this level of brazen audacity: chuztpah.


Chutzpah works great at first. Until it doesn't. Probably is another reason autists are the front lines of this battle. Not hypnotizable. Chutzpah doesn't work on the Ppl of the DGAF.

Anonymous ID: 5a53b8 May 28, 2018, 11:06 p.m. No.1573931   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Autist" has a few meanings, the clinical one and the ironic one born on the chans. In the case of the anons here, it mostly means very high IQ, tho many of us also have been told we have asperger's I expect. Over 130 has many qualities in common with the autistic, a different attention style than the "neurotypical" (normies). Few weeks back we had a discussion on hypnotizability, anons agreed it was a common current.

But you could also take a spiritual angle to explain it, the "armor of God" argument: protected against lies because love truth so much. But not being hypnotizable seems to be a thing with the autists.