Anonymous ID: 90ec2a May 28, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.1573477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3480 >>3514 >>3517 >>3523 >>3723 >>3937

'It'd Be Suicide'

Sources: FBI Agents Are Afraid To Speak Out – Even When Given Congressional Protection


Sources tell The Daily Caller disgruntled FBI agents are too afraid of retaliation to speak out about the Bureau’s many troubles.


The sources say agents don’t trust Congress to protect them from the consequences of testifying and claim whistleblower protection laws are ineffective.


The FBI rarely punishes those who retaliate against whistleblowers, according to the agency itself.


Even as a new Rasmussen poll shows a majority of voters believe senior law enforcement officials broke the law to stop Donald Trump from beating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, rank-and-file FBI agents who want to testify against their superiors to Congress feel they can’t due to an ineffective whistleblower protection law.


These agents believe the sluggishness of the law exposes them to an inordinate risk of reprisal, so they have remained in hiding and afraid to speak the truth.


This story is based on interview transcripts with two FBI agents that one former White House official provided The Daily Caller. A third special agent also reached out to The Daily Caller to provide information about the current state of the Bureau.


The former White House official who maintained direct contact with at least two agents told TheDC they are “hunkering down because they see good people being thrown to the dogs for speaking out and speaking out does nothing to solve the problems.” He believes that “Congress and DOJ are so weak and clueless and can’t be trusted to follow through.”


According to transcripts he shared with TheDC, one special agent said, “It’s a question of basic credibility — Congress, the executive, and oversight are not seen to have any gravitas or seriousness. The inmates have been running the asylum and they don’t respect, much less fear, their overseers. We know we’ll be hung out to dry.”


The agent added, “And don’t get me wrong, there are still a few good people scattered about, but main Justice and the bureaucrats are running the show, want to run out the clock on this administration, and keep the status quo.”


Another special agent, when asked about being subpoenaed, said, “This is a great opportunity for senior or [soon to be retiring] guys, not for someone like me. It’d be suicide. I hate to say it, but neither the judiciary nor the executive branch is wielding any kind of effective oversight right now, and the top managers know it.”


He continued, “You still have a ton of bad people in place. Unless that changes, and I haven’t seen any degree of seriousness on the part of ranking members nor staffers, I’m not meeting with anyone nor willing to be subpoenaed. I’m not coming forward until they get their act together. Right now, it’d be sacrificing a career for cheap political points.”


TheDC has learned that the bureau has already warned agents that the agency will come back viciously against all those “behind destroying their narrative, and will go after their families and friends, too.”


Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley defended the Whistleblower Protection Act he spearheaded after FBI agents insisted that only subpoenas would bring them forward to Congress.



Anonymous ID: 90ec2a May 28, 2018, 10:01 p.m. No.1573507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3541


I spent a quite a bit of time on this site looking at photos, I had not seen before. enjoy



Anonymous ID: 90ec2a May 28, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.1573606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3723 >>3937

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Holdovers ‘Working Toward A Union Takeover’ Of US Chemical Agency


Obama administration appointees are “working toward a union takeover” of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB), two sources familiar with the matter told The Daily Caller News Foundation.


CSB board members are expected to vote an Obama administration appointee as “interim executive” to take over for outgoing CSB chairwoman Vanessa Sutherland, said sources, both of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity.


Sutherland announced her resignation on May 21, and the following day sent out what’s called a notation item to vote on her successor. Sources said the notice only had one name: Kristen Kulinowski.


Kulinowski has support of the United Steelworkers (USW), the labor union most involved with CSB matters, sources said. While Kulinowski has a background in chemical and safety regulations, she grew closer to USW since joining CSB in 2015, the sources said.


“Before she became a CSB member in August 2015, she had limited involvement with the unions, but over the past three years, she has increased it markedly,” said one source.


“There’s been a very tight relationship over the years with the steelworkers,” a second source told TheDCNF. “They want to have their own people in there. They are very, very powerful in that regard.”


However, President Donald Trump can nullify the results of the election by nominating a new CSB chair, which the Senate would have to confirm. Trump can also nominate an interim chair to run the agency until a new chair is confirmed.


CSB is an independent board that investigates major chemical disasters, like the 2010 BP oil spill and the 2013 Texas fertilizer plant explosion. The board has no regulatory authority, but issues recommendations to regulatory agencies based on its investigations.


The board is currently filled by four Obama administration appointees. Sutherland and Kulinowski were both confirmed by the Senate in August 2015. Board members serve five-year terms and can only be removed for bad behavior.


One source said Sutherland consulted with USW before sending out the notation item on May 22, but the second source could not confirm this detail. Board members have until May 29 to send in their votes, sources said.


CSB board members can either vote for Kulinowski or abstain, but Kulinowski is expected to take over as interim executive, where she can serve for 180 days unless the White House intervenes.


“Since Sutherland proposed Kulinowski as interim executive, it’s pretty sure bet that Kulinowski will win the vote,” a source said.



Anonymous ID: 90ec2a May 28, 2018, 10:20 p.m. No.1573666   🗄️.is 🔗kun



First clue as to whether or not this should be believed with 100% certainty is the use of the word sources especially if it already contradicts what we already know from previous statements.


This is one last ditch effort to change stories and

make you believe the newest narrative.

Anonymous ID: 90ec2a May 28, 2018, 10:26 p.m. No.1573700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3708 >>3711 >>3716

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’


A New York Times columnist declared in Monday’s paper that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”


Charles Blow also referred to the president as a “weasel” and proceeded to name a number of offenses supposedly proving that Trump is an avowed bigot.


“The racism has become almost routine,” Blow wrote. “Now it is the continued revelations of the degree to which Trump takes the presidency as a giant game, in which he is all-powerful, in which supplicants must come pleading, in which he has an unmatched ability to retain power by manipulating and deceiving the populace.”


The column also bizarrely compares Trump to the Wizard of Oz, “only this man is a weasel.”


Later on in the column, Blow makes it clear what all this hostility is about: Trump attacked The Times in a tweet on Saturday.


“The Failing @nytimes quotes ‘a senior White House official,’ who doesn’t exist, as saying ‘even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.’ WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources,” Trump tweeted.


Nothing in this tweet was remotely racially driven, but Blow apparently needs to make sure Trump is shamed for it anyway.

Anonymous ID: 90ec2a May 28, 2018, 10:38 p.m. No.1573758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3796


I think more than at anytime now, we have to discredit the news with side by sides, the truth after all always does come out, so, when a Deep Media (fake) does come out, we should be matching with the truth in a side by side nature like we would with anything else, why are they so special that they shouldn't be called out, their headlines will show them for who they are. Side by Sides force them to explain. Have they been put in that position yet? If they expect explanations the should be ready to give them on their own end as well. Shouldn't they? Just some thoughts.

Anonymous ID: 90ec2a May 28, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.1573918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3934

Keith Ellison Calls For NFL Boycott Over Ban On Anthem Protests


Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota called for a boycott of the National Football League over a rule change prohibiting players from kneeling in protest during America’s national anthem.


After controversy marred the 2017–2018 season due to protesting players, the league is requiring players to either stand for the anthem or remain in the locker room until the anthem is over.


The new policy means teams will have to pay a fine if players kneel or sit on the field during the anthem.


Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, called for a boycott of the NFL in a tweet on Sunday.Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota called for a boycott of the National Football League over a rule change prohibiting players from kneeling in protest during America’s national anthem.


After controversy marred the 2017–2018 season due to protesting players, the league is requiring players to either stand for the anthem or remain in the locker room until the anthem is over.


The new policy means teams will have to pay a fine if players kneel or sit on the field during the anthem.


Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, called for a boycott of the NFL in a tweet on Sunday.


“Friends who know me, know that I love football,” wrote Ellison. “But I won’t be watching this NFL season because of the unfair cowardly and idiotic kneeling ban. #BoycottNFL.



Anonymous ID: 90ec2a May 28, 2018, 11:15 p.m. No.1573986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Louis Farrakhan Issues Sunday Call For An End To White Men


Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, called for an end to white men on Sunday morning, saying that their “nature is not in harmony with the nature of God.”


Farrakhan went on to claim that white men had squandered the time God gave them to rule, alleging that they had chosen not to rule with righteousness, truth, justice, or fairness.


Farrakhan’s message included a list of traits that he believed were “in the white man’s nature” — namely murder and dishonesty — and he added that while white people were slaves to their natures, what black people do “is by learning from your master. "


Farrakhan also raised eyebrows earlier this week when he said President Donald Trump “is destroying every enemy that was an enemy of our rise.”

