So what's really happening? Every normie I know sends me random ass war clips off tiktok. Without checking what the government or news say about this, I just know NATO pushed Russia beyond a red line, like the Cuban missile crisis, and he has every right to take Ukraine to protect his land from encroaching globalists, same with securing Crimea for Black Sea access, but I also keep hearing Putin is tied to WEF somehow. Ukraine is a shithole money laundering human trafficking deep state whorehouse or whatever, so I don't give a fuck about their government. What's REALLY going on? Is there an actual full scale invasion happening? How much of these videos are just random ninja stars of clips being thrown to create a fog of war? Why? Like has anyone figured it out, generally speaking, the big picture, and can easily distill it?
I haven't spent much time on Ukraine specifically other than the Biden connections, but I've been digging on this world domination, secret society, globalist shit since '09, and now the sound of a news anchor's strange way of speaking is like nails on a chalkboard and I can't stand digging into the fine details anymore. I just wanna know what we fuckin' know. I feel like the weather guy from Family Guy, HE AIN'T PLAYIN'.
Always in riddles, I get why Q would, if they are in fact a secret and selected handful of super ultra high clearance individuals including Trump, OPSEC, but why does everybody else use fucking riddles? What's next, parables?