>innately savage creatures. God keeps us tame.
I believe that in my heart. Our default is love … what comes after in the mire of the matrix skews our thoughts and some pick one path others pick another.
Why is when disasters occur most humans instinct is to go out and help?
God / Divinity allow free will for humans to learn and grow. When we model nature and the cycles of life and death…there is something very hard to ignore. Change is inevitable in these cycles. For some … this is just their first experience … for others they have had countless experience.
Everything we have learned is upside down.
Kinda bakes your noodle … but at the end of the day it is very simple. We as humans have been mislead for hundreds of years.
By Gods will we are divinely perfect. You are witnessing the most beautiful change in our history.
I hope this helps.
So many are rooting for you/us anon … and you are soooo loved just by holding ground and doing what you feel is instinctively right.
There are no coincidences … and its a lot to take in but you wouldn't be here unless you were searching for those answers.
It truly is bigger than we can all imagine…because it is infinite.
You are never alone on this journey. There are 10000 and 10000 of us here working shoulder to shoulder with you.