I hate niggers.
Fuck niggers.
Someone explain to a nigga who never consumes the news anymore. What's happening in Ukraine? Is the war fake?
I get why Hussein wanted to destroy America. He's a shit-skin nigger-muslim who wasn't born in America. But why did HRC want to destroy America? She's actually born here, and is white. I don't get it.
fucking good. Those nignogs shouldn't even be in a civilized country anyway. Fuck them.
Agree. Also, FUCK niggers.
That's what I do whenever I see a nignog in the wild. I bent over and talk shit.
FUCK niggers.
filtered for name-fagging.
Fuck, niggers are uggo.
He probably knows Tiger-style since he's half-asian.
Does your mom have big tits?
It's incredible how effective MSM propaganda is.