Q Research went down in flames. Trump turned into a laughing stock for not draining the swamp and then becoming a vaccine salesman. At this point, most are just on Q Research to troll the Qtards.
Q Research went down in flames. Trump turned into a laughing stock for not draining the swamp and then becoming a vaccine salesman. At this point, most are just on Q Research to troll the Qtards.
Just turn on any news channel. It's complete degeneracy. Every fucking guest is a complete know it all shooting their mouth off. Some guy was just on Fox saying Putin was somewhere in a bunker yelling at his generals for "stalling". These people are complete fools. I underestimated just how stupid the majority of people are. Nothing will ever wake them up. The entire "invasion" is fake. It's not real. Turn on any live cam from a city. Not jack shit is happening.
The world is run by psychopaths. They have been enabling these talking head useful idiots on television, for years. I have no doubt that these people would gladly start a hot war against Russia or any other country. They are completely bat shit insane. All of them.
We may be watching a movie, but it's not our movie. Our entire civilization is collapsing and nobody even cares. Somewhere, those responsible are laughing uncontrollably.
Why exactly do you believe they are trembling in fear? Worldwide, every single election, is rigged in their favor. They have control of every single major institution as well. Not a single member of their club of psychopaths has been prosecuted. They are just as powerful as ever. So powerful they can show cardboard AK 47 rifles on television and nobody other than a few awake people even notice it. The level of gaslighting is beyond demoralizing.
>don't recall "full" ever being included.
Says the faggot with 59 posts of complete trash.
Nobody cares enough to try stopping the Rothschild banking dynasty. An overwhelming majority of people aren't even capable of understanding reality. It all goes way over their heads. If it didn't, then we wouldn't be where we are today.
Millions have been killed by the same ruling class, for many years. It's nothing but mass murdering psychopaths running the entire world. For 100 years, they've remained completely free. And they will remain completely free for 100 more. Nobody cares enough to stop them. Most people are perfectly fine being manipulated to their death.