>Covid is always dropped in favor of war. Never heard anything about Covid when it came to Syrian war or Afghanistan.
the medical/phamaceutical/insurance complex is a distant second to the military/industrial complex in terms of profit.
>Covid is always dropped in favor of war. Never heard anything about Covid when it came to Syrian war or Afghanistan.
the medical/phamaceutical/insurance complex is a distant second to the military/industrial complex in terms of profit.
>watch Life of Pie
'zat a sesame street movie? sounds stupid. imma go watch life of pi instead.
>Don't make me turn my other (archive offline) phone on, faggot.
only you can do that, anon, not me.
irony much? or too logically challenged to realize you just called yourself an imbecile?
cool, the schizo is back posting incoherent raving posts. continue…
you already lost. all you accomplish by continuing this thread is to deduct more points from your score. pray continue….
i didn't "try" to reply. there is no try. do. or do not. i DID reply.
>Actually that is between anon and the Holy Spirit
you gonna negotiate with God to get your own private set of rules?
you can't win with bibletards. ignore it and it will go ring neighborhood doorbells and stuff flyers into mailboxes.
EU is out of gas.
>Russian conscripts who value duty and honor will lose their lives because Putin chose to be a nervous bitch.
or…. you're a pompous ass who knows even less than the avg anon (that ain't much). an equally plausible scenario is that the next global catastrophe was about to be unleashed from ukraine, and putin stepped in at the very last second to stop it and secure the danger.
>Didn't do well enough where it matters to get another term, sadly.
past time for this shillslide to end
>Oops… “Ghost of Kyiv” Turns Out to Be Fake Video Game Footage
notabled a day and a half ago. just sayin'…
you left out pie-in-the-sky moran
>New Swedish Study finds, that mRNA could alter human DNA!
already posted here multiple times. by you?
FFS, that's what it was DESIGNED to do. the inventor has said so. pfizer has said so. this "study" is as significant as "fire is hot."
this shit already posted here multiple times. by you?
>IF there was such an imminent threat, then Trump should have hit it with the US military when he was the acknowledged president.
are you REALLY that fucking stoopit? go watch CNN and get your booster.
look at this picture of kiev. LOOK at it. notice anything out of place? how about all the homes with LIGHTS ON? how about STREET LIGHTS?
if this was a full-scale invasion, does anyone really think ANY utilities would still be on?
google it yourself, you lazy fuck
ok… duckduckgo it. happy now?
>I underestimated just how stupid the majority of people are.
a century ago, H. L. Mencken said something like, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the public." think how much dumber they are after a century of radio movies and TV.
Vladimir Putin has kept frequent contact with Donald J. Trump as Russian soldiers, aircraft, and warships continue to bombard eastern Ukraine, targeting not civilians but Western-sponsored bioweapons laboratories that zigzag the countryside like a child’s connect-the-dots puzzle, a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.
Our source emphasizes he is reporting only what Putin has told Trump; he is not attesting to the veracity of Putin’s statements, and Trump, he said, has yet to independently verify Putin’s claims.
On Thursday Trump reportedly took a third telephone call from Putin and was told the Russian military had obliterated 13 bioweapon facilities across Ukraine. Some were subterranean and struck several times to ensure their destruction.
Putin contended the West—the American NIH, France’s Institute of Health and Medical Research, and Germany’s Center for Infection Research–had funneled billions of dollars into the labs under the pretense of research grants. He claimed to have evidence, which he would eventually make public “when the world is willing to listen.”
According to Putin, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy knew about the laboratories and had received kickbacks in exchange for letting them operate clandestinely and without official oversight.
“Putin told Trump he gave Zelenskyy many warnings to dismantle the labs, as far back as February 2020, and warned he’d do it himself if Zelenskyy didn’t comply. He admitted to minor collateral damage, but told Trump that Zelenskyy had only himself to blame, for putting the people of the Ukraine in danger,” our source said.
Putin also namedropped Israel. He said the Israeli Health Ministry and the MOSSAD ran a biolab on Snake Island, a land mass that belonged to Ukraine, located in the Black Sea, near the Danube Delta, with an important role in delimiting Ukrainian territorial waters.
On Thursday, a Russian Slava-class cruiser approached Snake Island and warned the inhabitants to surrender at once or be fired upon. “We are a Russian warship, proposing you put down arms to avoid bloodshed and unjustified deaths. In worst case, you will be hit with bomb strike,” the Russian’s warning continued for five minutes. The occupants replied: “Fuck you, Russian warship.”
The Slava cruiser opened fire, pummeling and razing the island’s structures until only dust and rubble were left in the wake of the attack. There were no survivors.
Putin said to Trump that the biolab on Snake Island had been involved in researching a weaponized type of airborne rabies that, if aerosolized, could have ravaged the earth with nearly a 100% mortality rate.
“He assured Trump he’d taken precautions to guarantee all pathogens were hit hard and effective enough to render them inert. He wouldn’t say if he used thermobaric ordnance, but that seems a likely possibility,” our source said.
“Make no mistake, President Trump. We’re not hitting cities. If we were, more than one building in Kyiv would be hit, and there’d be no electricity, no water, no nothing. We’re burning the trash,” Putin purportedly told Trump.
toots is dead. long live toots. lil' fighter.
>Somewhere, those responsible are laughing uncontrollably.
speculation. i tend to believe they are trembling in fear, running in circles, and shitting themselves, 'cause it's finally dawning on them that there is no escape for them.
>Seems like a lie if they don't have full control like they said?
don't recall "full" ever being included. right now, shit is habbening big time. this is not the time for concernfagging.
so you must be here shilling. do they take shekels in Hell? aksing for a fren….
>no habbenings occur.
putin exorcising evil from ukraine
covid GONE from the news cycle
nothing to see here….
move along.
>Why are you Kikes so fucking stupid?
stupidity, shilliness confirmed. i am not jewish. i am italian.
"full control" of WHAT? the universe? the solar system? the planet earth? how about, just maybe, full control of the key elements necessary to EXPOSE and drain the swamp? dija ever stop to think maybe THAT'S what it meant? dija ever stop to think YOUR interpretation MIGHT not be the RIGHT interpretation? if "the plan" isn't happening fast enough for you, WTAF have YOU done about it?
>So powerful they can show cardboard AK 47 rifles on television and nobody other than a few awake people even notice it. The level of gaslighting is beyond demoralizing.
one interpretation. another interpretation is that they've NEVER been this sloppy before. plywood guns, movie f/x, and video game footage in a war zone? mannequins missing arms in covid ERs? i don't remember them ever being that sloppy. go back and watch the footage of 9/11 that was televised. that was pretty slick, and 21 using 21 yr old tech. i see the sloppiness as a sign of their exhausted resouces. i see it as a sign of their desperation. i see it as encouraging and inspiring. if you don't, well that's your problem. but we both know you're just a paid shill. so there's that, too.
your shilling doesn't even make sense. if i were a jew shill, why would i be here expressing belief in the plan? the shills come here to spread division and demoralize anons, like (You) are trying (and failing) to do.
>An overwhelming majority of people aren't even capable of understanding reality. It all goes way over their heads.
the american revolution was NOT a popular revolution. it was fought AND WON by a small minority of motivated patriots.
the colony of NY fielded way more recruits for the crown than for the continental army. read a book, fuckwit.
i know what YOUR plan is, glownigger.
>Anybody got a list of countries WITHOUT a Central Bank handy?
gee… what ELSE do these countries have in common? wait… i know…. they are RELENTLESSLY villianized and dehumanized by the MSM. hmmmm…. could there be a connection?
>you can run, but you'll only die tired!
i ain't goin' anywhere, blowhard. come and get me. be the sorriest day of your sorry-ass excuse for a life. neck yourself.
public utilities are on. public transportation is running. OMG, it's a full scale invasion. russians are coming by the busload.
>sauce it
(You) ARE the sauce, fuckwit. you glow brighter than a xenon flash lamp.
uuuuuuuuuuuhhh… i'm skeert now. whatever will i do? hey, here's an idea. c'mon over to my place and "warn me" in private. whaddaya say? i'll make some bacon for ya.
are you…. JOE BANKS?
be well anon.