Ukraine:Plans to create a pan-Chechen PMC to counter Russia
Рыбарь, [2/26/2022 12:35 PM]
❗️🇺🇦🏴 Евроичкерийцы во главе с Ахмедом Закаевым предложили ( Зеленскому подписать соглашение о сотрудничестве.
The European-Americans, led by Akhmed Zakayev, proposed ( Zelensky to sign a cooperation agreement. According to them, they propose to put under arms up to 300,000 Chechens living in Europe. Today, the same plans to create a pan-Chechen PMC to counter Russia, which were implemented ( by the 1ADAT network of extremists, are being accelerated. They were previously given the green light for violence against supporters of Ramzan Kadyrov. If the Ukrainian side accepts the proposal, the Ukrainian theater of military operations will become an arena for the creation of a new terrorist organization, which will certainly attract all those radical Islamists ( who exist in Eastern Europe, and who have been actively mobilized by the Turkish special services in recent months.