Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 10:46 p.m. No.15735515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5517 >>5527 >>5941

The roots of fascism in Ukraine: From Nazi collaboration to Maidan


In recent years Ukraine has popped up in the mainstream media due to explosive political developments. Starting with the “Orange Revolution” in November of 2004, to the Euromaidan coup d’etat that was carried out by multiple fascists organizations and was propped up and propagated by the US government.


With the recent surge in Ukrainian ultra-nationalism and the rise of fascist groups both within the Ukrainian political sphere as well as the upper echelons of military hierarchy, it is crucial to understand its historical origins, beginning with Ukrainian collaboration with Nazi Germany during World War II. On June 22, 1941 the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union began under the name Operation Barbarossa. The original purpose of the operation was to conquer the western Soviet Union to implement “Lebensraum,” or “living space,” for ethnic Germans to relocate and repopulate former Soviet territories. The Slavic people already living there were to be used as slave labor to aid the Axis powers and to seize the agricultural production available in this portion of the Soviet Union (Norman, 1973). The extermination and genocide of Slavic peoples, due to their designation as “sub-human,” was also to be carried out to facilitate the relocation and repopulation efforts of ethnic Germans in Slavic lands.


Operation Barbarossa was initially highly successful, with the brunt of the offensive being taken by the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. At the beginning of the war the population of Ukraine was at 23.2 million however, in what could accurately be described as Ukraine’s own holocaust, by the end of the war 3,000,000 Ukrainians and other non-Jews had been executed, with an additional 2,300,000 Ukrainians being deported to allow for the “Germanization” of Ukrainian territory (Gregorovich, 1995).


Following the initial opening of Operation Barbarossa, on July 17, 1941 Hitler issued an official decree defining how Nazi-occupied Ukraine would be governed by a Nazi-appointed civilian regime known as the Reichskommissariat Ukraine (RKU) and overseen by Nazi Party regional East Prussian branch leader Erich Koch (Eher, 1946). The RKU was tasked with the pacification of Ukraine, the extermination of political dissidents and those who would interfere with the process of Nazi post-war expansion, as well as the general exploitation of the Ukrainian resources and people to further the goals of the Third Reich.


In addition to the establishment of the RKU, Heinrich Himmler personally saw to the formation of the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police (UAP) (Shapiro et. al., 2005). That UAP itself was split into two different categories. The first, known as the “Schutzmannschaft” or “protection team”, was tasked with carrying out anti-Jewish atrocities along with combating pro-Soviet partisan resistance throughout most of Ukraine. The second group was simply referred to as the “Ukrainian Police,” which operated under the guidance of the infamous Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) and was given special autonomy from the RKU (Bewersdorf, 2008). The UAP were the major perpetrators in the portion of the Holocaust that occurred in Ukraine. In the region of Volhynia alone, the Ukrainian police units exterminated 150,000 Jews in addition to the murder and deportation of countless other non-Jewish Ukrainian nationals (Statiev, 2010).



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 10:46 p.m. No.15735517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5520 >>5527 >>5941


Lastly and perhaps most infamous in the history of the Nazi occupation of Ukraine was the figure of Stepan Andriyovych Bandera. Bandera was a Ukrainian ultra-nationalist born on January 1, 1909 in Austria-Hungary. Bandera served as head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) in Galicia. In the early months of World War Two OUN leader Andriy Melnyk alongside Stepan Bandera were recruited by a Nazi intelligence organization to commit espionage and sabotage against the Soviet Union. They agreed to this work under the pretext that Ukraine would be given autonomy following the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. The OUN was even supportive of the extermination and forced relocation of Jews, Tatars, Roma people, and Poles in Ukraine (Mueller, 2007). With the arrival of Nazi soldiers in Ukraine following Operation Barbarossa, on June 30th, 1941 Bandera and the OUN issued the Act of Proclamation of Ukrainian Statehood which declared Ukraine an independent state from the Soviet Union. This proclamation stated an independent Ukraine would “work closely with the National-Socialist Greater Germany, under the leadership of its leader Adolf Hitler which is forming a new order in Europe and the world and is helping the Ukrainian People to free itself from Moscovite occupation” (Snyder, 2003). Despite all of Bandera’s crimes (not only against the Ukrainian and Jewish people, but humanity as a whole) and open collaboration with Nazi Germany, Bandera is still seen as a hero to the Ukrainian government and their far-right followers. On January 22, 2010 Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko awarded the deceased Bandera the title of Hero of Ukraine (Economist, 2010) which is the highest title any Ukrainian citizen can receive.


It is within this context of Ukraine and Stepan Bandera’s history and the relationship of the current ruling junta to the RKU during the dark years of Nazi occupation, that today’s Ukraine must be understood. In February of 2014 a Ukrainian minority began protesting in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv (this movement would become known as Euromaidan). There were three primary intentions behind these demonstrations: 1) to remove the democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych from power (ignoring the constitutional process in effect); 2) to help bring attention to the possibility of Ukraine joining the European Union; and 3) to alter the constitution to restore it to as it was between 2004 and 2010. The first demonstrations promoting the message of Euromaidan began in 2012, but did not gain much traction until 2014 when right-wing organizations Svoboda (“Freedom”) and Right Sector effectively seized control as the militant tactical leadership of the demonstrations in Kiev.


Founded in 1991, Svoboda cast itself as a Social-National Party of Ukraine while spewing a hard line on Ukrainian nationalism and anti-communism, a stance which led many Russian, Jewish, and other international organizations to denounce Svoboda as a fascist organization (Stern, 2013). Directly following the success of Euromaidan, multiple Svoboda members would gain positions within the Ukrainian government (Stern, 2012). The Deputy Prime Minister, Agrarian Policy and Food Minister, Environment and Natural Resources Minister, governor of Poltava, Ternopil and Rivine ‘Oblast all were members of Svoboda while holding office in the Ukrainian government.



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 10:47 p.m. No.15735520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5522 >>5527 >>5941


Svoboda took a strong leadership position in the Euromaidan coup that grew from a non-violent protest to a militant takeover of the country when far-right organizers began attacking, and eventually killing 17 while injuring nearly 300 law enforcement and anti-EU demonstrators. Since 2004, Svoboda has been led by a man named Oleh Tyahnybok. His career in Ukrainian politics has been one built upon a platform of hate (against Jews, Russians, Communists, all non-Orthodox Christians, and any ethnic minorities in the country) and ultranationalism. As of 2017, Oleh has submitted 36 motions to the Ukrainian parliament, all of them promoting hate. These include opposition to the adoption of regional languages, support for further recognition of Nazi collaborator groups during World War II, the regulation of political involvement for communist officials, and demands to make communism in Ukraine illegal (Shekhovtsov, 2011). His personal conduct, while unsurprising to those familiar with his politics, underscore his true loyalties as well; in 2004, while at the grave of a Nazi sympathizer of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Oleh made televised remarks such as “[You are the ones] that the Moscow-Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine fears most” (Kuzio, 2004) and “They were not afraid and we should not be afraid. They took their automatic guns on their necks and went into the woods, and fought against the Muscovites, Germans, Jews and other scum who wanted to take away our Ukrainian state” (Shekhovtsov, 2011). Despite Oleh’s revolting history, he has still been welcomed with open arms by multiple American politicians, most notably and frequently U.S. Senator John McCain (Taylor, 2013).


The two foremost paramilitary organizations with close relationships to Svoboda and Euromaidan (and personally connected to those with Nazi sympathies during World War Two) are known as Right Sector and Azov Battalion. Right Sector is a far-right political party and paramilitary organization which arose after the merging of six Ukrainian nationalist, religious fanatic, anti-communist, and Eurosceptic organizations (Anderson et. al., 2015). United as Right Sector, the organization led the most violent street brawling against Ukrainian police during Euromaidan, recognizable due to their use of the symbols of Bandera and the RKU. Such Right Sector (and Svoboda) demonstrations visibly display numerous flags and photos featuring Stepan Bandera’s face in addition to the red and black flags of the fascist Ukrainian Insurgent Army (which now also serves as the current flag of Right Sector). The Ukrainian Insurgent Army was formed in November of 2013 by Dmytro Yarosh and on December 27, 2015 a majority of the group left entirely claiming that Right Sector had done its job ‘as a revolutionary structure’ and was no longer needed. Yarosh said that he didn’t support continued revolutionary rhetoric and didn’t want to push anything that might weaken or question the current Ukrainian government’s hold on power (Melkozerova, 2016). After the majority of Right Sector declared their mission complete, they would go on to join the fascist-sympathetic and largest volunteer battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces: the Azov Battalion.


The Donbass War arose in 2014 when the residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts took up arms against the Ukrainian junta and declared themselves independent republics (known as the Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic, respectively). As of 2017 this war is in a period of stalemate due to a tenuous ceasefire. This ceasefire, however, offers very little to the people of Donetsk and Lugansk. For instance, it has been documented that the ceasefire was violated 17 times on Sept. 7, 2017 alone. The Ukrainian government and its NATO allies continue to push the false narrative that the rebel combatants are entirely Russian regular infantry. This baseless position was actually refuted by the words of Ukrainian Chief of Staff Viktor Muzhenko, who acknowledged that “Right now the Ukrainian army is not engaged in combat operations against Russian regular units,” ironically proving the claims of both the Donetsk and Lugansk rebels and the Russian government.


With that all being said, Azov Battalion has taken part in numerous major battles and offensives in the Donbass War, through which it achieved particular notoriety. Azov Battalion was the only military unit that was able to defend itself against rebel advances on the Western front of the conflict, even with significant U.S. military aid in the hands of the entire Ukrainian junta. As a result of these successes, Azov Battalion acquired the reputation on both sides of the conflict as being the most effective fighting force in the war.



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 10:47 p.m. No.15735522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5523 >>5527 >>5941


Azov has also gained itself a reputation far beyond its military exploits as a unit however. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR, 2016) declared Azov Battalion guilty of war crimes on multiple accounts. In 2014 Azov was documented engaging in mass looting from civilian homes in the down of Shyrokyne, as well as targeting civilian areas with artillery and small arms fire. The OHCR report also detailed the rape and torture of a mentally disabled man, claiming “A man with a mental disability was subject to cruel treatment, rape and other forms of sexual violence by 8 to 10 members of the ‘Azov’ and ‘Donbas’ battalions in August-September 2014. The victim’s health subsequently deteriorated and he was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.” In a later report from 2015, it was reported that a captured suspected supporter from the Donetsk People’s Republic was tortured via electrocution and waterboarding until he confessed to allegedly spying for the rebel governments.


Azov Battalion also has strong ties to fascism and uses neo-Nazi symbolism. Azov Battalion members were filmed displaying neo-Nazi and SS symbols and iconography, In one widely-circulated instance, the German ZDF television channel filmed an Azov fighter who had a swastika and SS symbol engraved into his helmet (NBC News, 2015). Azov Battalion has had so much coverage associated with their unapologetic following of Nazi ideology that in 2015 both the United States military and Canadian forces stated that Azov would no longer be directly trained by the two respective nations (Conyers, 2015). Tellingly however, these conditions were quickly removed when Azov became a regular military unit in the Ukrainian armed forces, as opposed to the militia status they had been operating under beforehand (Sokol, 2016).


With the overthrow of the Soviet Union, Ukraine became entirely independent in 1991, yet the complex and dark history of Ukraine is one that can be traced back decades. The shadow of Ukraine’s past is one that looms over the entire region to this day.


The evidence against the Ukrainian government’s internal fascist sympathies and support for fascism in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is undeniable. The only conclusion is for the workers of all countries to stand in solidarity against the crimes of the Ukrainian government, and say that we won’t allow fascists to occupy Ukraine as they did in WWII.



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 10:48 p.m. No.15735523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5527 >>5941




Andersen, Johannes, Huijboom, Stefan, & Johannes, Olena. (2015). “Equal rights for gays still distant dream in Ukraine.” Kyiv Post.


Bewersdorf, Arne. (2008). Hans-Adolf Asbach. Eine Nachkriegskarriere.


Conyers, J.R. (2015). “U.S. House Passes 3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To Defense Spending Bill To Protect Civilians From Dangers Of Arming and Training Foreign Forces.”


Economist. (2010). “Viktory for the blue camp.” Economist.


Eher, Franz. (1946). “Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV Document No. 1708-PS.” The Avalon Project.


Gregorovich, Andrew. (1995). “World War II in Ukraine: Jewish Holocaust in Ukraine.” Infoukes.


Kuzio, Taras. (2004). “Yushchenko Finally Gets Tough On Nationalists.” The Jamestown Foundation.


Melkozerova, Veronika. (2016). “Yarosh launches a new movement, leaves Right Sector.” Kyiv Post.


Mueller, Michael. (2007). Canaris: The Life and Death of Hitler’s Spymaster. Naval Institute Press.


NBC News. (2014). “German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers.” NBC News.


Rich, Norman. (1973). Hitler’s War Aims: Ideology, the Nazi State, and the Course of Expansion. W.W. Norton.


Sokol, Sam. (2016). “US Lifts Ban on Funding ‘Neo-Nazi’ Ukranian Militia.” The Jerusalem Post.


Shapiro, Paul (Ed.) (2005). The Holocaust in the Soviet Union. Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies.


Shekhovtsov, Anton. (2011). The Creeping Resurgence of the Ukrainian Radical Right? The Case of the Freedom Party. Europe-Asia Studies, 63(2), 203-228.


Snyder, Timothy. (2003). The Causes of Ukrainian-Polish Ethnic Cleansing 1943. Past and Present, 179(1), 197-234.


Statiev, Alexander. (2010). The Soviet Counterinsurgency in the Western Borderlands. Cambridge University Press.


Stern, David. (2012). “Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists.” BBC.


Stern, David. (2013). “What Europe Means to Ukraine’s Protesters.” The Atlantic.


Taylor, Adam. (2013). “John McCain Went To Ukraine And Stood On Stage With A Man Accused Of Being An Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi.” Business Insider.


UNHR. (2016). “Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine 16 November 2015 to 15 February 2016.”



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 10:56 p.m. No.15735551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5552 >>5941

Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV

Document No. 1708-PS



Edited by: Dr. Robert Ley

Published by: Central Publishing House of the N.S.D.A.P.

Franz Eher, successor Munich

The program of the NSDAP

The program is the political foundation of the NSDAP and accordingly the primary political law of the State. It has been made brief and clear intentionally.

All legal precepts must be applied in the spirit of the party program.

Since the taking over of control, the Fuehrer has succeeded in the realization of essential portions of the Party program from the fundamentals to the detail.

The Party Program of the NSDAP was proclaimed on the 24 February 1920 by Adolf Hitler at the first large Party gathering in Munich and since that day has remained unaltered. Within the national socialist philosophy is summarized in 25 points:

  1. We demand the unification of all Germans in the Greater Germany on the basis of the right of self-determination of peoples.

  2. We demand equality of rights for the German people in respect to the other nations; abrogation of the peace treaties of Versailles and St. Germain.

  3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the sustenance of our people, and colonization for our surplus population.

  4. Only a member of the race can be a citizen. A member of the race can only be one who is of German blood, without consideration of creed. Consequently no Jew can be a member of the race.

  5. Whoever has no citizenship is to be able to live in Germany only as a guest, and must be under the authority of legislation for foreigners.

  6. The right to determine matters concerning administration and law belongs only to the citizen. Therefore we demand that every public office, of any sort whatsoever, whether in the Reich, the county or municipality, be filled only by citizens. We combat the corrupting parliamentary economy, office-holding only according to party inclinations without consideration of character or abilities.

  7. We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to sustain the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich.

  8. Any further immigration of non-citizens is to be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans, who have immigrated to Germany since the 2 August 1914, be forced immediately to leave the Reich.

  9. All citizens must have equal rights and obligations.

  10. The first obligation of every citizen must be to work both spiritually and physically. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all Consequently we demand:

  11. Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of rent-slavery.

  12. In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

  13. We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).

  14. We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.

  15. We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.

  16. We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality.



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 10:56 p.m. No.15735552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5941


  1. We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.

  2. We demand struggle without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest. Common national criminals, usurers, Schieber and so forth are to be punished with death, without consideration of confession or race.

  3. We demand substitution of a German common law in place of the Roman Law serving a materialistic world-order.

  4. The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions. The plans of instruction of all educational institutions are to conform with the experiences of practical life. The comprehension of the concept of the State must be striven for by the school [Staatsbuergerkunde] as early as the beginning of understanding. We demand the education at the expense of the State of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession.

  5. The State is to care for the elevating national health by protecting the mother and child, by outlawing child-labor, by the encouragement of physical fitness, by means of the legal establishment of a gymnastic and sport obligation, by the utmost support of all organizations concerned with the physical instruction of the young.

  6. We demand abolition of the mercenary troops and formation of a national army.

  7. We demand legal opposition to known lies and their promulgation through the press. In order to enable the provision of a German press, we demand, that: a. All writers and employees of the newspapers appearing in the German language be members of the race: b. Non-German newspapers be required to have the express permission of the State to be published. They may not be printed in the German language: c. Non-Germans are forbidden by law any financial interest in German publications, or any influence on them, and as punishment for violations the closing of such a publication as well as the immediate expulsion from the Reich of the non-German concerned. Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden. We demand legal prosecution of artistic and literary forms which exert a destructive influence on our national life, and the closure of organizations opposing the above made demands.

  8. We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from within on the framework: common utility precedes individual utility.

  9. For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in the Reich. Unlimited authority of the central parliament over the whole Reich and its organizations in general. The forming of state and profession chambers for the execution of the laws made by the Reich within the various states of the confederation. The leaders of the Party promise, if necessary by sacrificing their own lives, to support by the execution of the points set forth above without consideration.

Adolf Hitler proclaimed the following explanation for this program on the 13 April 1928:


Regarding the false interpretations of Point 17 of the program of the NSDAP on the part of our opponents, the following definition is necessary:

"Since the NSDAP stands on the platform of private ownership it happens that the passage" gratuitous expropriation concerns only the creation of legal opportunities to expropriate if necessary, land which has been illegally acquired or is not administered from the view-point of the national welfare. This is directed primarily against the Jewish land-speculation companies.



Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV

Office of the United States Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality

Washington, DC : United States Government Printing Office, 1946



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 11:01 p.m. No.15735573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5575 >>5941 >>5993 >>6199 >>6257

This and other posts all came from reverse image search of pic related


Nazi Conspriracy and Aggression Volume 4


1409-PS : Order concerning the Utilization of Jewish Property of 3 December 1938

1412-PS : Decree relating to the payment of a fine by the Jews of German nationality of 12 Nov. 1938

1415-PS : Police Regulation of the Appearance of Jews in Public of 28 November 1938

1416-PS : The Reich Citizenship Law of 15 Sept 1935

1417-PS : First Regulation to the Reichs Citizenship Law of 14 Nov. 1935

1419-PS : Law concerning Jewish Tenants of 30 April 1939

1422-PS : Thirteenth Regulation under the Reich Citizenship Law of 1 July 1943

1430-PS : Excerpt of Volume 222 issued by the Reichsfuehrer of the Chief of the Reichs Security Main Office-RSHA

1435-PS : Speech of Min. Speer on 24 Febr. 1942 to the Gauleiter meeting

1437-PS : Second Order supplementary to the law concerning the re-uniting of Austria with the German Reich

1438-PS : 3rd. Order supplementary to the decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor concerning the administration of the Sudeten-German territory


1445-PS : Minutes about the Conference at the Reich Ministry of Economics on 14 June 1940, 1600 hours

1456-PS : Memorandum to the Chief of the Agency for Armament Economy, Colonel Jansen

1458-PS : "THE HITLER YOUTH" by Baldur von Schirach, 1934

1462-PS : First execution order to the law for the HITLER YOUTH (General Regulation) of 25 March 1939

1463-PS : Diary of the Navy 1944

1472-PS: Cable detailing Available Jewish Manpower, date 16 December 1942

1481-PS : Decree dissolving the Guild of the Virgin Mary [die Marianische Jungfrauenkongregation] of the Bavarian diocese, 20 January 1938

1482-PS : Frick to Kerrl, et al., on Confessional Youth Organizations, July 20, 1935

1498-PS : Frick to the Prussian State governments forbidding distribution or discussion of Evangelical publications, 6 Nov. 1934

1514-PS : Decree regarding delivery of Prisoners of War to the secret state police, 27 July 1944

1517-PS : Rosenberg's discussions with Hitler, 14 December 1941

1519-PS : Treatment of Soviet Prisoners of War

1520-PS : Notes [Rosenberg] about a discussion with the Fuehrer at the Fuehrer Headquarters on the 8th of May 1942

1521-PS : Condemnation of Catholic Clergy and Institutions, 24 August 1934

1526-PS : Ukrainian Appeal to Frank, 25 February 1943

1531-PS : Mueller on Execution of Protective Custody (26 October 1939) and Third Degree (12 June 1942)

1534-PS : Eltz Rejects Party Membership, 30 January 1937

1536-PS : Schmidt's Intelligence Report to Goering, 12 August 1938

1538-PS : Bueckner to the Military regarding Japanese Assistance and Contingency Plans, 24 May 1941

1541-PS : Hitler's Report on Status of Military Operations, 13 December 1940

1544-PS : von Papen's Report on a Meeting with Hitler, 26 February 1938

1546-PS : Memorandum from Raeder on the Occupation of Norway, 9 April 1940

1551-PS : Assignment and Channels of the Chief of German Police within the Ministry of the Interior of 26 June 1936

1556-PS : Report on Sterilization in Germany and occupied countries, originally written December 1941

1573-PS : Mueller on Measures to be taken against Emigrants and civilian workers who came from the great Russian areas and against Foreign workers, 18 June 1941

1574-PS : Kaltenbrunner's warrant for the Gestapo's arrest of a British subject, 23 January 1944

1582-PS : SS Authorization of the use of Prisoners for High-Flight Research, May 1941

1583-PS : Himmler to General Ohl on the Treatment of Girls and Women in Concentration Camps, 16 November 1942

1584-I-PS : Goering to Himmler on Formation of the 7th Airforce group squadron for special purposes 7, 14 February 1944

1584-III-PS : Correspondence on use of prisoners in the Aircraft Industry, forwarded to Goering by Himmler's Staff, 10 March 1944

1590-PS : Keitel on the taking of Hostages, 1 October 1941

1600-PS : Redistribution of the Confiscated Property of the Convent at Ostmark, 1 June 1940

1602-PS : Request of Dr. Rascher for Human Subjects for High-Altitude Flight Research, 15 May 1941

1616-PS : Report of Dr. Rascher to Himmler on Methods of Warming and Cooling Human Subjects, 17 February 1943

1617-PS : Request by Himmler for Rascher's transfer to the SS, November 1942

1618-PS : Request by Himmler for Rascher's transfer to the SS, November 1942

1621-PS : Brandt to Rauter regarding Rascher's requisitions, 12 November 1942

1637-PS : Acceptance of members of the Security Police into the SS of the N.S.D.A.P. of 23 June 1938

1638-PS : Cooperation of the Agencies of the General and Interior Administration with the S.D. of the Reichsfuehrer SS (SD) of 11 Nov. 1938

1639-A-PS :Mobilization Book for the Civil Administration 1939 Edition



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 11:02 p.m. No.15735575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5578 >>5941 >>5993 >>6199 >>6257


1642-PS :Distribution List for the Secret map of the Soviet Union (European part)

1643-PS :Synopses of correspondence from prominent Reich officials, beginning with a letter written 29 November 1942 by Dr. Casdorf

1650-PS :Measures to be taken against captured escaped prisoners of war, 4 March 1944

1652-PS :Decree of the Reichs President for Protection against treacherous Attacks on the Government of the Nationalist Movement, 21 March 1933

1653-PS :First regulation concerning the new building of the Reich of 2 February 1934

1654-PS :Foundation of the Reich, from the 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt, Page 369, Nr. 28 dated 16 March 1935

1659-PS :Second order concerning plebiscite and election for the greater German Reichstag of 24 March 1938

1660-PS :Decree for the registration for the active service in Austria in the year 1938 of 16 June 1938

1662-PS :Order eliminating Jews from German economic life of 12 November 1938

1665-PS :Order concerning treatment of property of Nationals of the former Polish State of 17 September 1940

1666-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer concerning a plenipotentiary general for the utilization of labor of 21 March 1942

1669-PS :Hess to Dr. Hanshofer on Standartenfuehrers and Foreign Affairs, 28 August 1933

1674-PS :The second decree for the execution of the law regarding the change of the surnames and forenames of 17th August 1938

1676-PS :A Word on the enemy air-terror by Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels, 28 May 1944

1678-PS :Statement of accounts of the Reich Organization Leader of the NSDAP, Dr. Ley, at the 5th yearly session of the German Labor front in Nurnberg, on 11 September 1937

1680-PS :10 Years Security Police and SD-Die Deutsche Polizei, 1 February 1943

1689-PS :Czechoslovakia Fights Back, 1943

1696-PS :On Hospital Economic Plans and Registration Forms, c. 1939-1942

1701-PS :Frick and Rosenberg regarding a law on the treatment of enemies of the society, 1943

1702-PS :District Evacuation Reports, December 1943

1708-PS :National Socialistic Yearbook 1941

1709-PS :Report of Special Delegate for Art Seizures, July 1943

1721-PS :Measures against the Jews, November 1938

1723-PS :Gestapo-related Decrees, Regulations, and Announcements

1724-PS :Press conference on August 4, 1938 headed by Regional Leader [Gauamtsleiter] Schoeller

1725-PS :Ordinance on Enforcement of the Law for Securing the Unity of Party and State of 29 March 1935

1726-PS :Statement of the Netherlands government in view of the Prosecution and Punishment of the German Major War Criminals

1741-PS :Negotiation within the German-French Economic Commission

1742-PS :Goering on seizure and distribution of materiel, 26 October 1942

1743-PS :Guiding Principles for the Economic operations in the newly occupied Eastern territories, June 1941

1746-PS :Conference between Field Marshal List and Representatives of the Bulgarian General Staff (Agreement between Germany, Bulgaria and Rumania for attacking Greece and eventually Turkey). dated February 8, 1941

1751-PS :Waffen on the assignment of prisoners for experimental purposes, 12 May 1944

1752-PS :Preparations already made for the International Congress, 15 June 1944

1757-PS :Report of Goering's Commission for the investigation of the Aryanisations carried out in the Gau of Franconia between 9.11.38 and 9.2.39 and the irregularities connected therewith which have been established

1759-PS :Deposition of Raymond H. Geist, 28 August 1945

1760-PS :Deposition of George S. Messersmith, 28 August 1945

1765-PS :Report of the plenipotentiary for special missions, 15 January 1943

1770-PS :Law concerning Factory Representative Councils and Economic Organizations of 4 April 1933

1773-PS :On the Seizure and Redistribution of Polish Valuables

1774-PS :Excerpt from Huber's "Organizational Laws of the Greater German Reich"

1775-PS :Keitel's Proposals to Hitler

1778-PS :Excerpt from Hiemer's The Poisonous Mushroom

1780-PS :Excerpts from General Jodl's Handwritten Diary, February 1937-August 1939

1786-PS :War Diary of the Deputy Chief of the Armed Forces Operations Staff, 14 March 1943

1796-PS :War Diary Notes, Compiled 7 April 1941

1799-PS :War Diary; Armed Forces Operations Staff (L/K.T.B. WFSt, Volume 6A, 1 Aug. 1940-26 Mar. 1941)

1800-PS :Preliminary Report on Germany's Crimes Against Norway [Prepared by the Royal Norwegian Government.]

1807-PS :Extract from Jodl's Diary, 16 June 1942

1808-PS :Address by the Chief of the Armed Forces Operations Staff, Col. Gen. Jodl to the Officers and Officials of the Armed Forces Operations Staff. July 24, 1944

1809-PS :General Jodl's Diary (Armed Forces Operational Staff) from 1 February to 26 May 1940

1814-PS :Organization Book of the NSDAP, Editions of 1936, 1938, and 1940

1815-PS :On the Study and Treatment of Church Politics, 1941

1816-PS :Stenographic Report of the meeting on 'the Jewish Question' under the chairmanship of Field Marshall Goering in the Reichs Air Force, 12 November 1938



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 11:02 p.m. No.15735578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5581 >>5941 >>5993 >>6199 >>6257


1817-PS :Organization Book of the NSDAP, 1936 Edition

1818-PS :Organization Book of the NSDAP, 1940 Edition

1822-PS :Correspondence between Hitler and Mussolini, August 1939

1823-PS :Telegram from Hitler to Mussolini, 27 August 1939

1828-PS :Extract from Memorandum handed to German Foreign Office by Count Magistrati, forwarded by von Weizacker to Ambassador von Mackensen in Rome 7 August 1939

1831-PS :Mackensen reports on audiences with Mussolini, September 1939

1832-PS :Mackensen's conversation with the Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs, 27 August 1939

1834-PS :Extract from the report of the conference of the Reich Foreign Minister with Ambassador Oshima in Fuschl on 13 February 1941

1835-PS :Hitler to Mussolini, 28 March 1941

1842-PS :Notes on the discussion of the Reich Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop with the Duce in the presence of Count Ciano as well as the ambassadors von Mackensen and Alfieri, in Rome on the 19th September 1940

1850-PS :Negotiation between Obergruppenfuehrer Krueger, Oberst Karmann, Oberst Lorenz in the Chambers of the Reich Board of Trustees on 8 July 1933

1851-PS :Himmler's The New Germany Speaks Here, 1936

1852-PS :Dr. Werner Best's The German Police, 1940 edition

1855-PS :Bravery as defined by the Organization Book of the NSDAP

1856-PS :Goering's Speeches and Essays, 1939 Edition

1857-PS :Hitler Empowers the SS, 25 July 1934

1861-PS :Law Regulating National Labor of 20 January 1934

1862-PS :Ordinance for the Execution of the Four Year Plan of 18 October 1936

1866-PS :Record of the conversation between the Reich Foreign Minister and the Duce in the Palazzo Venezia on the 13th May 1941, in the presence of Count Ciano

1871-PS :Minutes of the conference between the Fuehrer and the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Count Ciano, in the presence of the Reich Foreign Minister of Obersalzberg on 12 August 1939

1874-PS :Notes on the Conference Between General Field Marshal Goering and the Duce in the Presence of Count Ciano, 15 April 1939

1877-PS :Report on the Conversation between the Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs [RAM] and the Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka in Berlin on 29 March 1941

1881-PS :Notes regarding the discussion between the Fuehrer and the Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka in the presence of the Reich Foreign Minister and of the Minister of State Meissner in Berlin on the 4th of April 1941

1882-PS :Notes on the talk between the Reich Foreign Minister and the Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka in Berlin on 5 April 1941

1889-PS :Account concerning the conference of the Fuehrer with the Italian Ambassador Attolico on August 31, 1939 at 1900 hours

1893-PS :Organization Book of the NSDAP, 1943 edition

1903-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer on the execution of the decree concerning the Deputy General for the mobilization of labor, 30 September 1942

1913-PS :Agreement between the Plenipotentiary General for the Arbeitseinsatz and the German Labor Front concerning the care of non-German workers, 20 September 1943

1956-PS :Meaning and tasks of the Secret State Police, January 1936

1961-PS :Decision of the Greater German Reichstag of 26 April 1942

1962-PS :Law to change the Penal Code 28 June 1935

1964-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer regarding special jurisdiction of Reich Minister of Justice 20 Aug 1942

1965-PS :Extract from Der Sturmer, 4 November 1943

1969-PS :Treatment of the Sick, 1941

1972-PS :SS report on the civilian state of emergency, 14 October 1941

1991-PS :6th Report on activities and final report of the German Armistice Delegation for Economy and of the Delegate of the Reich Government for Economic and Financial Questions with the French Government for the period from 1 July 1943 to 17 August 1944; Salzburg, 15 December 1944

1992-PS :Stellrecht's 'The Military Education of the German Youth', January 1937

1992-A-PS :Lecture on Organization and Obligations of the SS and the Police, January 1937

1997-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer concerning the administration of the newly-occupied Eastern territories, 17 July 1941

2000-PS :Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor of 15 September 1935

2001-PS :Law to remove the distress of people and State of 24 March 1933

2003-PS :Law re the Sovereign Head of the German Reich, 1 August 1934

2004-PS :Preliminary Law for the Coordination of the Federal States under the Reich, 31 March 1933

2005-PS :Second Law Integrating the Laender with the Reich, 7 April 1933

2006-PS :Law for the Reconstruction of the Reich, 30 January 1934

2008-PS :German Communal Ordinance, 30 January 1935

2012-PS :First Regulation for Administration of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service of 11 April 1933

2014-PS :Law About Changing the Rules of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of 24 April 1934

2016-PS :Order concerning the Jurisdiction of SS Courts and Police Courts in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. July 15, 1942



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 11:03 p.m. No.15735581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5584 >>5941 >>5993 >>6199 >>6257


2018-PS :First Regulation for Administration of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service of 11 April 1933

2022-PS :Law against overcrowding of German Schools and Higher Institutions of 25 April 1933

2029-PS :Decree Establishing The Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda of 13 March 1933

2030-PS :Decree Concerning the Duties of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda of 30 June 1933

2031-PS :Decree Concerning the Establishment of a Secret Cabinet Council dated 4 Feb. 1938

2039-PS :Decree concerning the conditions of Employment of Eastern Workers of 30 June 1942

2047-PS :Law for the Extension of the Law Concerning the Removal of the Misery of the People and the Reich of 30 January 1937

2048-PS :Law for the Extension of the Law Concerning the Removal of the Misery of the People and the Reich of 30 January 1939

2049-PS :Second Edict concerning the Reconstruction of the Reich of November 27, 1934

2050-PS :The Constitution of the German Reich, August 11, 1919

2056-PS :Decree concerning the Extension of the Jurisdiction of the Special Courts of 20 November 1938

2057-PS :Law Relating to National Emergency Defense Measures of 3 July 1934

2058-PS :Decree for the securing of the State Leadership of 7 July 1933

2059-PS :Decree of the Reich-President relating to the granting of amnesty of 21 March 1933

2061-PS :Oath of Reich Officials and of German Soldiers, of 20 August 1934; Law on attestation of officials and of soldiers of the Armed Forces, of 20 August 1934

2073-PS :Decree concerning the Appointment of a Chief of German Police in the Reich Ministry of the Interior of 17 June 1936

2075-PS :Decree for appointment of a chief of the organization of Germans abroad within the Foreign Office, 30 January 1937

2076-PS :Decree of the Reich Cabinet relating to the formation of special courts of March 21, 1933

2078-PS :Decree concerning the establishment of the Reichs Ministry of Science, Education, and Popular Culture of 1 May 1934

2079-PS :Reich Flag Law, 15 September 1935

2082-PS :Law relating to the Reich Chamber of Culture of September 22nd, 1933.

2083-PS :Editorial Law, 4 October 1933

2084-PS :Law on the Formation of Student Organizations at Scientific Universities 22 April 1933

2088-PS :Decree Relating to Tasks of the Reich Ministry for Education of 11 May 1934

2089-PS :Decree relating to the Reich Air Ministry of 5 May 1933

2090-PS :Decree relating to the Coordination of the Jurisdiction of the Reich and Prussia in relation to Church Affairs of 16 July 1935

2091-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor Appointing a Reich Minister for Armaments and Munitions 17 April 1940

2092-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer for the Concentration of the War Economy 2 September 1943

2093-PS :First Executive Order relating to the transfer of Forestry and Hunting Matters to the Reich of 12 July 1934

2094-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor Concerning the Reich Labor Leader in the Reich Ministry of the Interior of 30 January 1937

2095-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer on the Establishment of a Supreme Reich Authority-'The Reich Labor Leader' of 20 August 1943

2097-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor relating to Designation of the Chief of the Praesidialkanzlei of 1 December 1937

2098-PS :Decree relating to the Status of the Supreme Commanders of the Army and Navy of 25 Feb 1938

2099-PS :Fuehrer Decree Relating to the Chief of the party Chancellery of 29 May 1941

2100-PS :About the application of the Fuehrer decree regarding the position of the chief of the Party Chancellery, dated 16 January 1942

2101-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor concerning the Inspector General of the German Highways Administration of the 3rd of April 1941

2102-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor concerning the Inspector General for Water and Power of 29 July 1941

2103-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer on the Cabinet Legislation of 10 May 1943

2104-PS :Law on the organization of a Secret State Police Office, April 1933

2105-PS :Law on the Secret State Police of November 30, 1933

2107-PS :Law on the Secret State Police of 10 February 1936

2108-PS :Decree for execution of the Law on the Secret State Police of 10 February 1936

2111-PS :Order of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands Territories concerning the Establishment of Administrative Courts Martial, 19 March 1941

2112-PS :Order of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands Territories concerning Jewish Real Estate-11 August 1941

2113-PS :Secret State Police Department Decree for Application of the Law of 30 November 1933, Concerning the Secret State Police of 8 March 1934

2115-PS :Second Execution Order to the Law of the Hitler Youth (Youth Service Regulation) of 25 March 1939

2118-PS :Police Decree on Identification of Jews, 1 September 1941



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 11:03 p.m. No.15735584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5586 >>5941


2119-PS :Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor concerning the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, March 16, 1939

2120-PS :Law on Passports of Jews on 5 October 1938

2124-PS :Decree Introducing the Nurnberg Racial Laws into the Land of Austria 20 May 1938

2149-PS :On the Economic Capability of France, December 1942

2153-PS :Streicher's "Defeat the Enemy of the World!", 30 March 1933

2154-PS :Additional orders of the Central Committee for defense against Jewish horror and boycott agitation, 31 March 1933

2156-PS :The central committee for defense against Jewish horror and boycott agitation, 29 March 1933

2163-PS :National Socialist Yearbook 1941: The SS

2164-PS :National Socialist Yearbook 1940: The SS since the Reichparteitag 1938

2168-PS : Writings of the Hochschule for Politics

2169-PS : Quarterly Sickreport on internees of Concentration Camp Hmb.-Neuengamme, 29 March 1945

2171-PS : The Numerical Expansion of the Concentration Camp Buchenwald during the years 1937-1945

2176-PS : Report of Investigation of Alleged war Crimes, 17 June 1945

2187-PS : SS on beating of female prisoners, 14 July 1943

2189-PS : SS on punishment by beating, 11 August 1942

2194-PS : Decree on the declaration of a state of defense and subsequent correspondence, 1938-39

2195-PS : Notes on Himmler's meeting with Oshima, 31 January 1939

2199-PS : Misc. Concentration Camp Policies, 1942

2219-PS : Seyss-Inquart to Goering, 14 July 1939

2220-PS : Lammers to Himmler on the situation in the Government General, April 1943

2222-PS : Report of investigation of alleged War Crime, 25 May 1945

2224-PS : 'The End of the Marxist Class Struggle' and other NSK publications, 2 May 1933

2225-PS : 'The Front of German Workers has been Erected!', an NSK publication, 3 May 1933

2226-PS : 'The Labor Front Stands!', an NSK publication, 4 May 1933

2228-PS : Order issued by the German Labor Front, 26 June 1933

2229-PS : 'The Reich Youth Leader at Work,' an NSK publication, 22 June 1933

2230-PS : Agreement entered into between the Reich Leader of the German Labor Front, Party member Dr. Ley, and the Chief of Staff of the Storm Troops [SA], Viktor Lutze, with regard to the factory troops [Werkscharen], October 1936

2231-PS : Die Reichskanzlei by Hermann von Stutterheim [Pages 19-34]

2232-PS : Excerpts from Frank's administrative policy

2233-A-PS - 2233-CC-PS : Excerpts from Frank's diary

2237-PS : File on actions against the Jews in November 1938

2239-PS : Secret State Police 'Protective Custody' List, 2 March 1945

2241-PS : Decree of the Plenipotentiary General for Manpower on the execution of the transportation of workers, in this case: damage to and soiling of passenger coaches of the German Railways and their fittings, 20 July 1942

2243-PS : Law relating to Finance Measures in connection with the Police, 19 March 1937

2245-PS : On the Employment of Security Police Inspectors, 20 September 1936

2246-PS : The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the German Reich on Special Mission, Vienna, 1 September 1936

2247-PS : The Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary on Special Mission, Berlin, 17 May 1935

2248-PS : The Extraordinary Emissary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the German Reich in Special Mission, Vienna, July 27, 1935

2260-PS : Settlement of relationship between NSDAP and Stahlhelm (Steel Helmets), 21 June 1933

2261-PS : Jodl's Copies of Reich Defense Laws, c. June 1935

2270-PS : 'Coordination of Cooperatives,' an NSK publication, 16 May 1933

2271-PS : Organization Book of the NSDAP, 1936, '38, '40, and '43, on the NSBO

2273-PS : Update on the Removal of Jews from the Eastern Territories, c. 1942

2275-PS : Excerpt from The German Labor Front: Nature-Aim-Means, 1943

2276-PS : Additional material from The German Labor Front: Nature-Aim-Means, 1943

2277-PS : Deposition of Gustav Schiefer, signed 19 November 1945

2278-PS : Official tour of Reich Minister Dr. Seyss-Inquart to the districts of Warsaw, Lublin, and Radom from 17th November to 22nd November 1939

2280-PS : Sauckel on the Recruiting of Manpower in the Baltic Countries for the Reich territories, May 1943

2283-PS : Ley renders an account of the achievements of the German Labor Front, 14 September 1936

2284-PS : Writings of the Hochschule for Politics: The SS History, Mission, and Organization, 1939

2285-PS : Depositions of French soldiers, 13 May 1945

2288-PS : Hitler's Speech before the Reichstag, 21 May 1935

2289-PS : Published Transcript of Hitler's Speech before the Reichstag, 8 March 1936

2292-PS : Interview with Goering, 10 March 1935

2306-PS : Excerpts from von Schirach's Revolution of Education

2307-PS : Law concerning the Reunion of Austria with the German Reich, March 13, 1938

2309-PS : Report of Atrocities at Flossenberg Concentration Camp, 21 June 1945



Anonymous ID: dc0778 Feb. 26, 2022, 11:04 p.m. No.15735586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5941


2310-PS : First Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor concerning the introduction of German Reich Law in Austria, March 15, 1938

2311-PS : Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor concerning the Administration of the Oath to the Officials of the Province of Austria, March 15, 1938

2313-PS : Order for the Transfer of the Austrian National Bank to the Reichsbank, March 17, 1938

2315-PS : Excerpts from The Law of the Reich Chamber of Culture [Das Recht der Reichskulturkammer], 1935

2319-PS : Excerpts from The Organization Book of the NSDAP, 1937

2320-B-PS : Excerpt from The Organization Book of the NSDAP, 1940

2322-PS : Hitler's Speech before the Reichstag, 1 September 1939

2324-PS : Excerpts from Goering's Reconstruction of a Nation, 1934

2325-PS : Decree on the Execution of Article 118 of the German Municipal Order, 26 March 1935

2326-PS : Reich Principles Regarding Recruiting, Appointment, and promotion of Reich and Provincial Officials, October 14, 1936

2327-PS : Correspondence regarding Operation 'Fall Weiss,' 14 June 1939

2329-PS : Orders to Army Group B regarding occupation of Poland, 7 October 1939

2330-PS : Order for Protective Custody of Josef Simon, effective 3 August 1935

2331-PS : Declaration of knowledge of release from Protective Custody and subsequent Probation of Josef Simon, 20 December 1935

2332-PS : Note from Flossenbuerg accompanying death certificate, 22 December 1941

2333-PS : Death notice sent to deceased's widow, 29 December 1941

2334-PS : Deposition of Lorenz Hagen, 17 November 1945

2335-PS : Deposition of Josef Simon, 13 November 1945

2336-PS : Special circular on the Securing of the Associations of the German Labor Front [DAF] Against Hidden Marxist Sabotage, 27 June 1933

2340-PS : German Public Officials Law of 27 January 1937

2341-PS : Decree on the education and careers of German officials of 28 February 1939

2342-PS : Law on the People's Court and on the 25th amendment to the Salary Law of 18 April 1936

2344-PS : Excerpt from Goering's Reconstruction of a Nation, 1934

2347-PS : Excerpt from Goering's Reconstruction of a Nation, 1934

2347-PS : Decree regarding Court Decisions, 2 May 1935

2348-PS : Affidavit of Standarten Fuehrer Walther Rauff, 19 October 1945

2349-PS : Excerpts from Rosenberg's The Myth of the 20th Century, 1941

2351-PS : Excerpt from Rosenberg's speech of 7 March 1937

2352-PS : Excerpt from Kerrl's speech of 27 November 1937

2353-PS : Excerpts from Basic Facts for a History of German War and Armaments Economy

2354-PS : The Organization Book of the NSDAP, 1938 edition, regarding the SA

2355-PS : Second Law on the Right to Vote for the Reichstag, 18 March 1938

2357-PS : Speech by Hitler before Reichstag, 20 February 1938

2358-PS : Speech delivered by Hitler in the Sportspalast in Berlin on 26 September 1938

2360-PS : Speech by Hitler before the Reichstag, 30 January 1939

2367-PS : Hitler's Speech of 1 May 1936

2368-PS : Extracts from Speech by Hitler before Reichstag, 30 January 1937

2371-PS : Execution of ordinance for security of people and state, 28 February 1933

2372-PS : Unified designation of the Offices of the Secret State Police in the Reich (Decree of RF-SS and Chief of German Police in the Reich Ministry of Interior 28 August 36)

2373-PS : Excerpts from German Publications