Yeah, ds hates him now
notableif sauced
Special powers to hear typed words
You like Superman
Sorry (You)s so offended
Let me gets you a tissue
Sauce it
Because you were not a passive wimp that could be controlled. You were worthless to them.
Yeah, but I thought you might have had good insight to a really good information instead of me starting from scratch. But ok. Thanks for BRIC
Just for (You), anon.
I don't collect sexy pussy memes 'cept for me pig
Yep person, no always slow when no haps
An still to lazy to fix autocorrect
Translation: Yeppers, night shift is always slow when no habbenings occur.
Allow them to totally self destruction with no hope of ever recovering.
Might just be the way to exit central banks back to 5he gold standard, WW.
Uhmmm, switching to a gold standard for Afrika
Like other anon told me, notabled two days ago.
Like 3, ww.shitforsaken places
Go watch Kash and Nunez at C-Pac las night. Need to keep up the Durham D5. I also expect information flowing from Ukraine via Russia clens8ng.
>>15736176 see
Baby steps leads to cr7shing neck stomping
What gives it away?
Sauce it.
You don't know the plan.
Desperately trying to find a way out of your current situation.
You can run, but you'll only die tired!
No cowinkadinks
He's telling us what he is going to do to us.
As they say, follow the money.