Why is this opinion in notables? It has no reason to be there. It's baseless, and whoever noted it is highly SUS.
The embassy website bragged out DOD biolabs in Ukraine until they edited the site yesterday.
The H1N1 outbreak was predicted by a microbiologist who claimed Ukraine would put it in their flu shot. Ukraine was the epicenter 2 months later. Obama-trained forced there under Zelenko declared emergency powers to root out their political opposition "rebels". A million Ukrainians were infected, 10x more than anywhere else.
Ukrainian citizens have been complaining about the CIA-backed biolabs for years:
There might be a fake map floating around that the CIA is going to attempt to use to discredit the entire concept, but that doesn't mean the labs aren't real.
https://free21.org/us-diplomats-involved-in-trafficking-of-human-blood-and-pathogens-for-secret-military-program/?lang=en - It's been reported on before.
Here;s the ACTUAL contract between DOD and Ukraine: https://2001-2009.state.gov/documents/organization/95251.pdf