Somebody get that krout a sammich!
Sammie! Suggested this voodoo.
I can't be held Avodart.
I like peace and the DOJ….. so…..
Sim deal is known and anointed. Trust.
No. Your dreams are stupid. Russia is faggot. Kiss and make up or don't. Doesn't concern me either way. I don't lose.
Boggie man scare you more? BTW, making a movie with me was a bad idea.
His rubles will be missed. Jk. They're worthless
Which deserves the heat? Dems rhinos or republican liars?
Can government at highest levels. Will be killed. That's hardly a skill. I can do anything if I choose to. I'm only limited by my interest.
Ever feel like this in real life? I have in sales.
Fags not wrong, but Tesla gives more opportunity than others because others=Idiot.
I got ghost writers. "That makes me rich as puffy, right?"