Anonymous ID: 20233a May 28, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.1574121   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1573985 (lb)

>yeahhhhhhh Aspie….they made us, we'll laugh as they're taken down.

Sweet irony, innit?

We just need to remember our processing speed is different than normies. It's why memes can be our common language. But if you're laying a verbal landscape on 'em, you need to take breaks and allow them to digest and read back what they're hearing or you lose 'em. And often as not they just don't want to go where we go, it's too hard. For us, it's a roll downhill. We have high def cameras for brains, not everyone sees at the same resolution. Think broad strokes.


>>1573762 (lb)

Just remember the way she takes in data, especially social data, is at a much more intense concentrated level. I don't know that initiating and holding gaze is necessarily the best thing, there's a ton of social info in that, can be a little overwhelming. The best things to engage autists with are the tasks/subjects they're interested in. Show your affection in her by attention to her interests. Just be easy in one another's company without making demands on her to communicate your way. Try to learn her sense of humor and play with it. Young autists can be clumsy with it at first, but they love puns and irony. Look for it, bond over the times when she shares it, try to lob a few back once you "learn her comms." Autists can be heavy hearted in the beginning. The best thing you can do for them is help them find their levity. It's there. It saves us all in the end.


This anon works with a lot of autists in public schools. These strategies work pretty well.