Anonymous ID: 5c65ff May 29, 2018, 1:54 a.m. No.1574749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why were tucker, hannity, and Ingram so 'quiet' about the deep state last night (5-28-18)? Hannity alone has had deep state sauce in his opening monologue since the news broke about Hussein 'wiretapping' Trump tower. I understand yesterday was memorial day, INB4, it's a very solace holiday (I agree!)! I'm a disabled vet. With all that said, not ONE deep state crumb in any of those 3 shows!? Why? I can only think of two reasons. Fox is, and always has been a part of (((them))). They've strung their viewers along so much, that maybe they feel going any further will 'hurt' their ratings? It COULD ALSO be that something huge is about to break. I don't have any sauce for the later, but this truly ALWAYS CALM before the storm. What are your thoughts anons? Also, can any of you think of any other reasons for the COMPLETE silence(again, I understand them showing respect to our fallen hero's! But not even a MINUTE dedicated in 3 shows ie hours!)?