Anonymous ID: a8f92d May 28, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.1574136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4159 >>4178 >>4214 >>4395 >>4424 >>4577 >>4585 >>4742


Anon brothers i need you. Give me a second chance explaining this graphic i just did.


I did not connect any fundamental dots, but look how the clock seems to work (and be correct). I think the MAJOR part is that news from today, will have a connection from Q drops on that same day cycle. I mean how often did Q say "watch the news"?


I wanted to focus on the 27. jan, 28.mar and 27.may cycle, the cycle from yesterday so to say. So i checking what Q posted on 27. jan. The first thing he says is "Council on Foreign Relations" so i searched for news on them for the 27. may. And then this article comes up where a FORMER US UNDER SECRETARY of Obama, managing editor at new york times, a THINK THANK, is talking about how propaganda should be used on its own people. The whole event was organized by the CFR.


At the beginning of the 27. jan drops he says

-Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are YOU)

-Imagine if these people were removed.

-Total control re: MSM.


and little later

-Who controls HW?

-Who really controls HW?

-Why are movies made to glorify past 'true' events?


Then THIS:


Am i the only one or is this a [19] Marker in the very same drop? [no longer with us] and "Suicide"? When you look at the clock and at the [19] marker, at THAT day cycle, the first date is 26. December. On that day William Graham made suicide. But do you want to know WHY he made suicide? Because 2 days befor, this movie was released with Meryl Streep playing his mother who was publisher of the Washington Post and the whole movie is about the PENTAGON PAPERS! I mean come on...


Last short note: Now there is also the 28. march in yesterdays "day cycle". If you look the Q drops on pastebin you will see its really a lot, and i bet if we would search for Q hints in yesterdays news, we would find MANY. But what stood out to me a little bit was:



So i again searched the 27. may news for "Biden China" and then the article came up how most big Hollywood films have been released in China under a February 2012 agreement negotiated by Joe Biden and President XI. What Q also said on 28. march is "OFFLINE FOR A REASON". Its like... he is talking about today, but on 28. march. You feel me?


Maybe i am overdoing it but rly if you check for example the drops of 27. jan, its all about china and north korea and stuff that was topic in yesterdays news.

Anonymous ID: a8f92d May 29, 2018, 12:01 a.m. No.1574262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4280


Hm… From this theory todays cycle would be 29/05, 30/03, and 29/01.

But damn i just checked and either the clock is not right or something is wrong with the pastebin but there are no drops on 29/01, which would connect with todays news :( wtf.