Anonymous ID: b704bb May 28, 2018, 11:44 p.m. No.1574164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4174 >>4190 >>4218 >>4273 >>4368 >>4497


If gravity is the consequence of the bending of spacetime by mass...and we assume that consciousness is collective or non-local, etc....and that while nonduality is a metaphysical reality, duality is motifed across creation...then perhaps the fabric of spacetime has another side to two sides of a coin...and that while the masses of outerspace work to bend it on one side, the masses of innerspace can bend it from the other side. What happens when individual minds are put together towards something, albeit real work or collective meditation/prayer. Could a real effect be taking place? How would you test for it? What is a reaction that reacts to gravity, that catalyzes like a chemical reaction...something that we just can't seem to make happen with all of our technology, but which perhaps the universe keeps locked in a paradox until we are able to work together to achieve it with the right understanding and responsibility? In cold fusion, there is always this element of needed to put more into the system than we get out. What if a group of 10 or 1000 or 100000 people focused their awareness on such a reaction...could it bend spacetime from the other side, just enough to make that reaction happen? What are the aligning economics and incentives for what that means about working together for essentially free energy? It's an interesting thought experiment...and only one way to find out with the scientific method. The universe is already crazier than our ancestors could have imagined. Who are we to say what dreams may come?

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 28, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.1574218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4294



One of my master's theses is on the structures of consciousness and gets into the thinking involved that would guide this type of experiment for sure…the other is on distributed consensus protocols and business. good fucking luck if you can find them. Doxxing myself is not part of the plan this evening…




Ref: Wilber-Combs Matrix

Idea: Don't conflate states of consciousness with stages of consciousness.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 28, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.1574231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4236 >>4294


NOLS did/does some interesting stuff…there are lots of things out there. Some of it, like the Nazis and the MKultra programs went off the fucking deep end, obviously. But that doesn't change the question: Consciousness is the burning question of our day…if not of all time.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 12:09 a.m. No.1574307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4339 >>4362


Intentions. Yuge.

That's why (beyond the structure/mechanics of consciousness) I think that the keys to fusion are locked not only behind a technological door, but a psychological and sociological one. I guess we could say it's nature's maze to keep those unworthy of the prize away from it. No one mind could access it or control it. We need individual minds. The holons of We the People.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 12:37 a.m. No.1574425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4473


Nice passage. Consciousness is like a chinese finger trap…put simply.

There are a number of ways to divide it up, but what I think my contribution was is in noticing and describing that the sequence of phenomenological inquiry, or the movement through states of consciousness, doesn't necessarily mean that the structure follows from that…see the image. The entire history of religious and psychological understanding of man's interiority is premised on an apriori assumption: that structure follows from feeling. It motif's itself widely…like with the identity politics of "I'm offended". Well, sure, you might feel that way, but that doesn't necessarily mean anyone has offended you. All this type of stuff…the thinking that eating people or blackmailing or whatever is rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of the universe…and specifically our own consciousness.


Basically that image shows the feel of the sequence of moving through the states of consciousness…and that the discovery of that has pretty much been matched across traditions, spiritual and academic. But who the hell says that is the absolute relationship of states to each other.


It really is hard to put into layman's terms…but think about this…a cup of oil and water…if you're in the water and move to the oil, you notice the sequence of water to oil. But to an outside observer, there is a 3rd element, the meniscus made at the point of contact between the oil and water. If you leave the cup, you notice the meniscus third. To the first person observer, the sequence is water, oil, meniscus. To the objective observer of the traveler, the sequence is water, meniscus, oil. Relativity. In consciousness, just choosing one of the traditions, the basis states are waking dreaming and deep sleep…and for those that can lucid dream, they enter and leave those states in that order…but deep sleep is actually the meniscus here. And the really wild question becomes from an deep metaphysical/ontological POV, is the meniscus an emergent of the oil and water. To manifest beings, that certainly seems so…but it's worth asking if perhaps the meniscus, the coin, is what really gives rise to the two sides. waking and dream sleep are just two sides of the same coin…it's a wild idea…but it has massive implications for understanding the universe on so many levels.


there's more which involve the witness state of that 3 state interaction and this 5th kind of nondual state in which there is a recognition of all the states being together…that kind of the satori or samadhi…or the christ consciousness…


That's where I think we are…or at least should…be headed.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 12:43 a.m. No.1574459   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm aware…holographic principal, etc….undergrad was astrophysics. I moved on later precisely because of this type of thing…I didn't throw out the baby with the bathwater necessarily, but I definitely felt that the subjective and intersubjective realities…hegel and others…were equivalent aspects of reality…no subservient to or emergent from the objective.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 12:50 a.m. No.1574485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4523


My sense is that this is a symptom of the maze…they can't solve the puzzle…or worse, they think they've solved it and one bad action leads to a chain reaction of ego which binds the world in a mafia of blackmail and corruption. Simply the symptom of alienation from the divine. That's the idea of the Christ, no middlemen, no divine intervention. Direct communication…and even to be found within…or as people like Kanye seem to understand at some level, we, no our individual egos but our collective consciousness, are God…at least in some poorly understood sense.


Getting screwed up, shun from the garden…seems to be part of the "fun". Life, no matter the suffering, though not to legitimize it, being a strange game of the divine with itself, a game of hide and seek to discover oneself again. Who really knows??? These are just the sum of the sayings of the master's. We stand on the shoulders of giants…to be so cliché…

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 1:01 a.m. No.1574539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4573 >>4597


Have at it! Obviously, midnight reflections here are not using my peak state…much less doing justice to a well developed dissertation, but I certainly encourage a spirit of hive mind…try to describe consciousness the way I see and and think it might be applied in an experiment. I am more of the armchair thinker, no so much the doer…not really sure where to even start or who is doing the best cold fusion research. None of us can do this alone. That's for sure.


While I think self-awareness is the ultimate prize, if fusion is potential that opens up because of a unified hive mind, that seems to be of utmost reward to humanity. non-local communication would be pretty interesting as well. I remember those water crystals from what the bleep…kind of a zany movie, but got a lot of people thinking.



Yes and no…and neither.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 1:08 a.m. No.1574572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4597



some of the psychological tools are important…we need to move up the stages of consciousness vertically…but we also need to move horizontally through the states of consciousness at each stage. Our understanding of the dream state at 6 is different than it is now…and will be different as/if we continue to climb up the ladder of being. What can we do? Pay attention. Here, I mean pay attention to your own attention…but at some level, I think that's what, or at least, one thing to be gleaned from Q. They are trying to get us to pay attention…play the game again.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 1:13 a.m. No.1574595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4625 >>4681


Look into Dean Radin and his random number generator work and the 9/11 results that came in.


Also some of the morphic resonance field stuff. I'm forgetting the brits name, but it gets into some interesting stuff…like the phone call game where you have 4 friends randomly call you hundreds of times and you guess who is calling before you pick up…there are statistically significant results…particularly for women. Describing men's lowers scores seems to suggest that the training and culture of boys and men drive males to either no develop their intuition or to block it for the more necessary skills of fighting in the face of fear in war or in the hunt, etc. lots to dig on for sure.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 1:15 a.m. No.1574605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4628 >>4681


I'd also recommend Ian Stephenson's work on children with memories of past lives…very fascinating…and I'm familiar with a few of the cases…

I don't share the conclusions about reincarnation but more of a collective rhizome consciousness, but that doesn't take away from the value of the research.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 1:42 a.m. No.1574704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4730




If this is the space force…then damn, that would be the icing on my life's cake….though I would be pretty satisfied if I could just float around for a few hours in a space walk and see out BIG BEAUTIFUL ROUND EARTH.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 1:44 a.m. No.1574709   🗄️.is 🔗kun


nice mushroom world…interesting CDC study out there somewhere on the side effects and other stats/demographic, etc. on all drugs…psilocybin sp? is certainly the top candidate…


I don't know why all these wanks get so geeked over marijuana…it's such a pathetic entheogen. just seems like a selfish cause. maybe we can have a renaissance like in the 60s but with an iteration of exploration that uses a bit more awareness and responsibility, etc. There are certainly things to be learned.



They'll be asking what this thing called lived experience is all about over the coming weeks months and years for sure…once we wake up from the media induced matrix.

Anonymous ID: b704bb May 29, 2018, 2 a.m. No.1574774   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here's an interesting thought…jesus gives salvation away for free but buddha says that enlightenment is through work…yet, in the US, all the libtards love their yogapants and weekend meditation retreats and all the conservatives scream about making everyone else work.


No soup for (you)!