Anonymous ID: de38b4 May 28, 2018, 11:51 p.m. No.1574203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4255


You were called out for not using POTUS' most current, and most important #SpyGate.

Your response was that you couldn't keep track of everything because you work long hours.

Now that you were made aware of this most important #SpyGate, you STILL have not incorporated it into your bs twitter storm.


by focusing on these hashtags, you divert OTHERS from the CURRENT POTUS #SpyGate.


#SpyGate should be the top hashtag AND every time it drops down from trending, there should be a push to make it trending again. At the very least, #SpyGate should be in the top spots at all times.


POTUS runs the show, not you.

Now …

you've known about this since at least 24hrs ago.


Answer this single question: If you have the time to 'storm' and track the results, and post the results,

then why haven't you incorporated #SpyGate?

Anonymous ID: de38b4 May 29, 2018, 12:03 a.m. No.1574273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4307 >>4463 >>4473


>What happens when individual minds are put together towards something, albeit real work

If the intentions are bad and the work is bad , the Tower of Babel happens , and God says, these silly humans think they can outsmart me?

I'll mess with their communication skills and see how far they get then.


BTW, MSM has taken a page from God's playbook. By controling mass comms, they can and do, divede and conquer, confuse, obfuscate, etc., etc., etc.!


That's why the most valuable and effective weapon is:



Anonymous ID: de38b4 May 29, 2018, 12:18 a.m. No.1574349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4370


Maybe you just don't understand how things work.

Maybe you just don't give a fuck.

Maybe you just want to cover up for your stupidity.


So just for clarity:

You added #SpyGate to one of these five twats.

If you wanted #SpyGate to reach the top spot you would have added it to ALL the tweets.

You didn't.


Basic maths:

All other hashtags would have to appear in LESS THAN all of the twats in order for #SpyGate to get top exposure/ranking/trending.

So basically your response is bullshit and you efforts are worthless w/r/t #SpyGate.

Anonymous ID: de38b4 May 29, 2018, 12:40 a.m. No.1574435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4469


That'r your response?

Red all-caps?


Now about addressing the contentsubstance of what was written?

Oh, right, children don't yet have their reasoning skills fully developed.

Be an adult and admit your mistake.

The maths are real and show your mistake.

The description of your fail is accurate and real.


IOW, grow the fuck up.

And don't forget to add #SpyGate to all the twatter versions.

If you don't, all will see your faggot ass fuckery for what it is.

Anonymous ID: de38b4 May 29, 2018, 12:49 a.m. No.1574476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4511


>But the prime directive of the Republican majority appears to be avoid difficult votes at all costs.

The neo-con never-Trumper rhinos are just afraid that the Trump Train will gain so much momentum that Nov elections will bring MORE Trump Supporting Repubs into office.

That's the nightmare they wish to avoid. Get enough done so as not to be overtly part of the 'resistance'.


Make no mistake about it.

The Progressives are embedded in BOTH parties.

Clinton/Bush/Bush/Renegade are all of one ilk.

America For Sale.

Anonymous ID: de38b4 May 29, 2018, 1:14 a.m. No.1574599   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>YES not about R v D both are cabal controlled (pic related)

>We are very late to the party, stopping their plan just before the implementation ?

In order for there to be complete and unfettered free-will, there has to exist the possibility that some ppl will be completely evil.

The war will always exist.

The only question we need to be concerned with is:

What side am I on?


As long as there are enough of us fighting against evil, evil will remain in check, unable to take control.



Anonymous ID: de38b4 May 29, 2018, 1:27 a.m. No.1574640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4644 >>4688


>Why would Trump ally itself with the enemy? That doesn't make any sense.

Right, it doesn't.


>other than that there hasn't been much allying going on

Except that there has been. (pic related)

Q/POTUS confirm Israel intel drop on Iran nuke program.

Israel begins continued raids on Iranian positions inside Syria.

Not a peep from US?



And now, Iran is holding 'secret' talks with Iran.

Q said 'Iran is next'.

Alliance US/Israel?


You decide where the logical conclusions take you.