Anonymous ID: f77322 May 29, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.1574450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4600


You keep talking… But the only thing I saw was a lust for authority and control.


The Bill of Rights is not a granting of rights. It is a prohibition of authority. Your 'right' to religion doesn't exist as a legal right. Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion.


If your plan is to try and use the perverted sense of law that you have outlined to try and wrangle social media into being politically correct with quotas and 'anti-discriminatory laws', then when push comes to shove, we will find ourselves at mortal odds.


Human nature is discriminatory. I can throw a customer out of my place of business because I damned well want to, and he can ponder as to what grounds I used to base my decision.


At the end of every law is a gun. Siding with the rationale that a person can commit a crime by refusing to bake a cake for someone is just one step short of slavery. If I discriminate against the poor by expecting payment for a product, will the socialist gestapo bust down my door and hold me at gunpoint until I have serviced the demand of a "victim?"


Think long and hard about what it means to write something into law. You are creating a class of people who, in all reality, face indefinite confinement or death each time you do. Whatever you are doing had better be worth it, or you will quickly find yourself amid a revolution against tyranny.


'Keep thine airspeed up, lest the ground come from below and smite thee.' There is a heirarchy to law. Some are made and enforced by man. Others are made by nature, and man tries desperately to spare each other the penalty of ignorance.