This is what the NWO/Communists want to end. Although way before anon's time, boy! do I wonder about Glenn Miller's plane now…
This is what the NWO/Communists want to end. Although way before anon's time, boy! do I wonder about Glenn Miller's plane now…
A very favorite song from Over The Top in '87.
(The star happens to be one of the most polite folks ever encountered, kek.)
It's Perfidia, isn't it anon!?! (Doroothy Claire gave it away) Love that one!
Yep! Story of anon's life!
Love Van Halen (band) for this Sammy song ;
Eddie named his boy after Mozart.
Underrated JD tune, Seasons of the Heart
Goin' jukebox with anons tonight (need this! burned out & depressed)