Anonymous ID: 0a1213 Feb. 28, 2022, 8:19 p.m. No.15750400   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Same reason he bragged about the covid vaxx..


All he's doing is bragging that he had Russia under control.. contrary to the concept that he was enabling Russia against world/american interests.. Kinda like how he's saying he allowed for a fast tracked option in fighting covid, contrary to the idea that the democrats somehow helped get that ready.. they would have preferred 3 years of lockdown before vaccine their was widely available..


I agree its kinda fucked.. but at the same time it asserts a defensive position against dem propaganda that he mishandled this/that with the rona… or that he russia russia russia… Trump has never been a primary source of redpilling, he's been a primary source of trolling the dems attempt to blue pill and blamegame