>NFL and NBA are racist leagues.
Left wing Progressive social conditioning.
Schools, music, movies, all of them glorify Black men in Sports.
This is intentional.
All Black males aspire to be in these two fields: Music & Sports.
Why is the cultural conditioning focused in this way?
Because the number of jobs available in those fields is so small, and the number of young men aspiring to those jobs is so great, that when they fail, and most of them do, there's not only frustration and disillusionment, but they've wasted all those years preparing, hoping, reaching for the stars, that time has passed them by and it's next to impossible to make a career change.
Bitter and disappointed that they didn't 'make it', they either go into meaningless low paying jobs, get into drug selling/using (to numb the pain), and shun the society around them that 'promised' so much but 'gave them' so little.
Read these words twice.
Conclude that DemonRats and ProgressShits have done this intentionally.
It's a small club, and you ain't in it.