Well now I know it must be true. JIDF came after me.
I didn't want to know.
Musta zoned out when he was talking about ole' mossad Jones.
>Smarter than you, I chose the right side
"Jews are one people and therefore it's useless for them to be patriots to the countries in which they reside."
Rabbi admits all jews today are descended from the Pharisees and that all jews today are Talmudic jews.
>one fucktard
Jews too.
This interview was conducted by Walter White in 1976, with Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a senior aide to then US Senator Jacob Javits. He openly confesses how Jews have hijacked the key power centers of American society (finance, politics, media, education) and are now embarking upon a master plan of international conquest. Wallace even states: "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer."
Kvetch to your rabbi, kike.
Look at em phishin for shekels.
>their religion
Calm down Moshie.
Jew "jokes" that Jews use sports (and other entertainment) to "divert the energy of the gentiles, while they take over the Systems of Power".