Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:06 p.m. No.15760142   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Let them end themselves. No one needs that kind of Woman.

That's pretty much the argument.


As long as the information is freely available that this is a baby, not a "clump of cells" as they used to claim.


As long as everyone can find the pictures for themselves and can be shown them by others.


This argument holds.


In European countries, people are imprisoned for sharing those pictures.

Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:06 p.m. No.15760149   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Let them end themselves. No one needs that kind of Woman.

That's pretty much the argument.


As long as the information is freely available that this is a baby, not a "clump of cells" as they used to claim.


As long as everyone can find the pictures for themselves and can be shown them by others.


This argument holds.


In European countries, people are imprisoned for sharing those pictures.

Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:13 p.m. No.15760192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0510






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Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:13 p.m. No.15760195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0440 >>0510





























Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:14 p.m. No.15760199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0204


































Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:14 p.m. No.15760204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0440 >>0510


try again



















Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:19 p.m. No.15760236   🗄️.is 🔗kun

fenben pasta



Despite the current primary use of Fenbendazole, this drug has a lot more potential. It could be a valuable anti-cancer drug. This study focused on tumor growth and how the drug affects it. Since cancer cells use sugar as their main source of fuel, researchers tested the Fenbendazole drug to see how it will affect the sugar uptake. When combined with vitamins, this drug showed positive results. The size of the tumor significantly reduced more than compared to other controlled groups. Since this drug interferes with glucose metabolism, it can be effective for cancer therapy.


This drug is often ignored because we use it on animals. But, humans too can handle it. It is a safe drug with little side effects. What is important is the strategy used to make the most of its benefits. Repurposing this drug for cancer treatment not only could be beneficial, but it can also be cost-effective.


It could reduce the cost necessary for developing new and expensive drugs.


cured death sentence cancer with panacur for dog worms as told by a vet to do as a last resort


research herxheimer reaction

so you know wha to expect

you can get worse before you get better as the worms dieoff

and you body fights


Anons, I know the IVM is getting scarce, but a found a site with tubes in stock at a fair price $6 and a 100 tube limit. The days of 6 packs for $20 are over, but this ain't bad considering. Most everywhere I've looked is out or gouging or has 1 or 2 limits. No conx…just helping some other Anons out if in need.

They also had fenbendazole in the Powerpac 5 tube size (why I was there).


This Cancer Story Rocks! Joe Tippens And Fenbendazole

Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:21 p.m. No.15760250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0263

morgellons-anon pasta


they do not care for their "ANIMALS"

they don't care if we die

they will not deworm us

and when we find out it is worms and parasites rooting all the disease

they tell us we are crazy and try to keep us all form deworming de-parasiting ourselves

via media hitpieces

so much money in keeping us sick and taking RX's for the sickness they knw we would never even have

if they did not feed us sugar, get us fat and let our bellies fill with parasites

they know exzactly what they did to ALL OF US

this guy used fendbendazole and cured his cancer

and continues to take it as a precaution and says he will forever take it

as will I

along with Ivermectin

I am still taking both daily

will continue a monthly deworm for the reat of my life

I see too much improvement and zero side effects that would cause me to worry

the Morgellons lesions and all the other shit that goes with this scourge if HELL

taking the "animal" paste is a way to defeat this shit and I get to say a big ass fuck you to the HERD keepers

I win

God wins

as HE directed my eyes and brain to all my own research about deworming

fuck the sick club and their worm that never dies from hell (their eternal home)


it is dying daily



>>14531165 <<<<<








>>14531761 <<<<<

Updated Ivermectin Papers

Added a couple new papers. The retards are still pushing their horse narrative even though the hospitalized narrative is BS and debunked.


Nobel Prize multi use for IVM

More Nobel info

IVM for Cov2


IVM anti viral action and

IVM as Ionophore

IVM stopping viral replication

IVM World Use C19

IVM Extremely safe

IVM Works when distributed

IVM works when administerd

IVM in India WHO white paper

IVM and HCQ anti-viral and anti-parasitic

IVM potent inhibitor

IVM kills cancer cells

IVM for Breast Cancer

IVM and Dox as anti cancer

IVM Success in PERU

IVM essential Drug in India for c19

IVM with Doxy for c19

IVM trial Bangladesh

IVM as Therapeutic

Plan to stop Covid in Belgium Harvard Doctor says Natural Immunity better

IVM use per DHS

IVM for refugees

IVM Italian study

Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:22 p.m. No.15760261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

we needed real democracy in 1963 not now


I still say fuck democracy at this point.


We needed democracy in 1963 when they killed our president, not 60 years of fake government with intentional population manipulation, THEN democracy 60 years later.


If we'd have had real democracy in the 2nd half of the 20th century, NOTHING would be like it is today.


All of the "bills" they've "passed" have been fraudulent and based on fake government,AT LEAST since 11/22/63.


This idea that we get real democracy in 2021 is an absolutely shit one

Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:25 p.m. No.15760293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0377

Imma quickly explainhow China took over manufacturing in 20 years.


It's very similar to how Facebook and tech giants operate. Which is based on the Rockefeller gas station model:


Loss leader. Dominate market while losing a bit of money for a few years. Drive competitors out of business. This is the method that proves anarcho-capitalism a failure.


1) USA company X to Chinese manufacturing company Y: "how much can you make this product for?"


2) Chinese manufacturer: "2c per unit"


3) USA company internally: "how can they make it for that?"


4) Chinese company: "just show us around your plant and show us how you make it"


5) USA company does it anyway, because cost saving is huge and they don't want to lose out to competitors.


6) Chinese company steals all manufacturing tech, with oversight by PLA dept. of manufacturing


7) USA manufacturing not competitive in short term


8) China win


This is all done with outside help from top economists and strategic planners

What the (outside planners) proved beyond any doubt is that these things have to be centralized. Anarchocapitalism doesn't work, can't work.


Youhave to have balancing tariffs, at a minimum. This is not an option. It's economic life or death.


James Goldsmith explained it pretty well in the mid-90s before they killed him right after the UK 1997 election in which he ran the "referendum party" and just before they killed his daughter Diana


Senate Commerce Committee on GATT: 03.08.95:

Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:40 p.m. No.15760416   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Once you stop caring about the people around you, because they babylonized it too much, this is what you get.


It's unstoppable.


You get babylonization beyond a certain threshold, everything collapses. Every single time.

Anonymous ID: 80216d March 1, 2022, 8:44 p.m. No.15760441   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Greene: The world's currency may be replaced with China's currency.


British empire handed over the fucking torch on 1997.


200 years planned in advance. Look at the GDP curve.


Known 200 years in advance.

