I'm inclined to think it's better to let it be.
Yeah, amazing how stuff WE talked about on the boards years ago is suddenly popping up as if it was just discovered.
Lucky. Dad caught it. Two weeks in, he's asking me how to get IVM. Already had covid pneumonia by then. Had he used the horse paste I'd insisted they get, maybe that wouldn't have happened. But, no. He seems to have forgotten that he was supposed to use that IVM EARLY. I'm so frustrated. At least he's recovering.
>Starting on page 30 of the document, you will find 9 pages of adverse effects from the vaccine.
"Adverse events of special interest"
Are there more somewhere that weren't so interesting????
IMO, this is NOTABLE
I think those guys know that the immunity shield won't survive once the fraud is widely recognized.
If so, then I supposed it's covered already. I haven't been here all day. Carry on.
There's more than one doc out there. You can find a better one.
Oh, look at that! Images are back!
A little something I was thinking of posting during the PCR discussion earlier. How many people administering the tests are aware how small the safe zone is?
From: https://www.bitchute.com/video/U2xNuOx1oJg7/
It looks like something Q would post. There is an active investigation in London.
And the next day:
1/4 tsp seems like a lot. I just use a pinch. What are you trying to do with it?
Yes. ASL lady signed it, too.
Not quite the arrest we wanted, but the who is intriguing.
Did he do that yet?
Where's the McDonald's?
RELIABLE sauces? (pic related)
I don't think we can wait that long.
Anyone notice something about that? It's OK to wave a Ukrainian flag in the US but not an American flag?
>quantum grammar
Huh. It's a thing.
But he was still talking about vaccinating the planet. How does that align? And wasn't that a Bill Gates line?
Press conference in Ukraine about Joe Biden's corruption