Anonymous ID: 7bb964 March 2, 2022, 7:37 a.m. No.15763056   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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Binance, Kraken rules out blocking accounts for ordinary Russian crypto users | Finbold

Amid growing financial sanctions against Russia, cryptocurrency exchanges Binance and Kraken have ruled out the freezing of ac

Anonymous ID: 7bb964 March 2, 2022, 7:41 a.m. No.15763077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3089 >>3111 >>3515 >>3631 >>3740 >>3772


>John Durham sent a message to the Attorney General and the country


John Durham sent a message to the attorney general and the country

By Kevin R. Brock, opinion contributor — 02/22/22 09:00 AM EST


posted before



John Durham has been a special prosecutor for almost a year and a half — not a long time, but plenty of time for a drumbeat to begin that he was showing little progress against his orders to examine the origins of the debunked Trump-Russia collusion narrative that convulsed a presidency. His few indictments so far have been directed against peripheral players, feeding a fear among Donald Trump’s supporters that elites higher up the stack are going to get away with their chicanery.


The problem for Durham is that these perceptions were providing the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) with increasing political top cover to shut down the special prosecutor’s office as an unproductive, politics-driven exercise in futility that is wasting taxpayer dollars. If Durham were to be terminated, the American people might not even push back much since no one had a clue whether his investigation was bearing meaningful fruit.


Attorney General Merrick Garland already had undercut Durham’s investigation once by taking steps to rehabilitate the reputation of fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a key figure in the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion debacle. The Biden DOJ is not friendly to the goals of Mr. Durham.



Durham couldn’t hold a news conference or pen an op-ed touting progress; that’s just not done by investigators in the middle of an investigation. So, he turned to a readily available vehicle — a routine, fairly innocuous motion filed with the court — to embed an explosive message to the DOJ and the American people. It landed like fireworks at a funeral. No one saw it coming.


Tucked inside the court filing, John Durham laid out a good chunk of the case he’s building, and it was stunning. Durham revealed the outlines of a corrupt conspiracy by operatives linked to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The exposed conspiracy allegedly made a contrived, fraudulent and shocking attempt to entice the FBI and CIA to use their powers against the rival Trump campaign and presidency.


This recent filing by Durham was designed to have two effects. First, and most important, he has now made any decision by the president or attorney general to dump him much more difficult to undertake. The last time a president fired a special prosecutor who was making significant progress, he lost his presidency.


Second, Durham has signaled to the American people that his investigation has legs, despite perceptions of plodding inertia. He has provided hope that accountability in D.C. — rare as a MAGA sticker on a Prius — actually might happen.


Durham’s filing triggered hyperbolic conjecture on the right and nervous silence on the left. Don’t be distracted by reactions driven by politics. Look at the actual words Durham used; they’re troubling enough on their own.



Those words are found in a section of the filed motion titled “Factual Background.” In it, Durham expands on information that led him to indict an attorney connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign, Michael Sussmann, for allegedly lying to the FBI.


According to Durham, Sussmann brought information to the FBI in September 2016 that he claimed proved a direct connection between candidate Trump and Russia to get the FBI to investigate. But Durham says Sussmann falsely told the FBI that he was not presenting the information on behalf of any client when, in fact, he was billing the Clinton campaign for his time.


Sussmann’s defense attorneys now argue, in effect, that even if he lied, the lie would not be material because the information was valid. But the lie would be quite material, because Sussmann allegedly was asking the FBI to expend costly resources to investigate his claims. If he concealed the clients on whose behalf he evidently was acting, as Durham charges, he would have fraudulently deprived the FBI of facts that would have helped the bureau decide whether it was worth investing taxpayer dollars on an investigation. Knowing Sussmann’s true affiliations was clearly information the FBI deserved to know.


In addition, despite the Sussmann attorneys’ assertions that the information he possessed was bona fide, Durham makes an interesting case why it allegedly wasn’t. At this point in the Factual Background section, he expands on the role allegedly played by “Tech Executive 1,” now known to be Rodney Joffe of Neustar, one of the country’s most powerful tech companies you’ve probably never heard of…. too long go to site

Anonymous ID: 7bb964 March 2, 2022, 7:53 a.m. No.15763146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3212 >>3515 >>3631 >>3740 >>3772

Donald Trump Jr, [3/2/2022 10:49 AM]

[ Photo ]

You know how to stop Putin? Stop sending him billions for his oil and gas and start producing our own again. It’s not that hard. Click here to send a message now!!!

Anonymous ID: 7bb964 March 2, 2022, 7:58 a.m. No.15763186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3515 >>3631 >>3740 >>3772

M6.6 earthquake strikes Kermadec Islands, New Zealand – USGS

Anonymous ID: 7bb964 March 2, 2022, 8:04 a.m. No.15763222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3236 >>3769



I have humanitarian projects,

one for homeless combat vets, self sustaining


one for the babes in the dumbs,


prototypes for other areas to follow suit,


iffin' the medbed is real, and can get part of PTSD, fixed, I can't reach.

Anonymous ID: 7bb964 March 2, 2022, 8:07 a.m. No.15763248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3262 >>3300


twas the only reason I was sent to the God forsaken planet.


I've turned so many dead eyes, esp. Nam Vets, back to life, just can't get that part in my own fixed.


Always said it was an outside energy near the skull that would cure it,,,,,,

Anonymous ID: 7bb964 March 2, 2022, 8:17 a.m. No.15763321   🗄️.is 🔗kun


kek! right of heaven is my domain, you gets to do stuffisis from there, to right wrongs. Keep tellin' God, stop sending me back here, (this lifetime), you know i can do more from there… I think that's the point. kek,,you will stay there, until job done, I got this angle. (his thoughts)