It's Ash Wednesday.
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman [House Foreign Affairs Committee]: We have committed one billion dollars in security assistance to Ukraine in the past year alone..since 2014, three billion dollars in security assistance.
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman: We understand the challenges to getting weapons in in the middle of a conflict, but I can assure you that those weapons are getting in, even now. There are many ways that we have to do this, and I am in awe, always, of the Department of Defense's ability, working with our diplomats, to do this.
United States Representative at UN: It appears that Russia is preparing to increase the brutality of it's campaign against Ukraine. We've seen videos of Russian forces moving exceptionally lethal weaponry into Ukraine, which has no place on the battlefield, that includes cluster munitions and vacuum bombs, which are banned under the Geneva Convention.
United States Representative at UN: To the Russian soldiers sent to the front lines, of an unjust, unnecessary war, I say, your leaders are lying to you. Do not commit war crimes. Do everything you can to put down your weapons and leave Ukraine.
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman: We have not forgotten Americans in Afghanistan. That effort continues to this day, to bring anyone home who wants to come home..
Representative Chabot: 40 mile long procession of lethal Russian tanks and military vehicles, heading for Kiev, and we know they are going to be using those to bludgeon and murder, women, children, civilians, anything that breathes, basically, once it gets there.
Ukraine Representative to UN: I will not recite all fact of new war crimes and crimes against humanity that the Russian troops have committed since my previous statement two days ago., The list is so long that we would run out of time. The crimes so barbaric that it is difficult to comprehend.
Ukraine Representative to UN: The goal of Russia is not occupation only, it is genocide.
Unusual round of applause for Ukraine Representative to UN at end of his address.
Russian Federation Representative at UN: People are being used as human shieldsโฆthe Ukrainian military are not allowing the citizens of Mariupol to leave the city. They are keeping them there, including women and children..and forcing them..turning back all civilians that are trying to leave the city along humanitarian corridors.
Russian Federation Representative at UN: Actions today we are seeing..we are trying to stop the eight-year war on the people of Donbass.
Russian Federation Representative at UN: ..illegal coup in Kiev in 2014, with the connivance of Germany, France, and Poland, and with the support of the United States, where the legitimate elected president of the country was overthrown.
Representative Wilson in the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing is wearing a blue and yellow striped tie, a large button that says 'I support Ukraine', and a US/Ukraine flag pin.
Representative Bera: It's astounding that we've forgotten that the comments of the former president probably empowered Mr. Putin that he can act audaciously.
Representative Issa: We should be considering a new authorized use of military force against Russia in support of the people of Ukraine, and other non-NATO countries, now threatened by this totalitarian dictatorship.
UN vote results of Draft Resolution Demanding Russia Stop War [not legally binding]
In favor: 141
Against: 5
Abstain: 35
Large ovation by UN members.
Those figures sound realistic. Ukraine is making wild claims of approximately 1000 Russians being killed per day.
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman mentioned a few minutes ago that as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, she visited Kiev just after Maidan [massacre]. That would seem to implicate her as being involved in the 2014 overthrow of Ukraine.
Representative Perry to Sherman: Do you drive to work?
Sherman: As deputy secretary, I am fortunate enough to actually have a driver.