Interesting Numerology attached to today:
Lent is actually 46 days, but the Catholic church excluded the six sabbath days(as they belong to God) to present it as a period of forty days for the human to fast, a ritualistic period of fasting mirroring Jesus' days in the wilderness and then temptation.
But the second Herodian Temple was built in 46 years, so did the cabal sneak the extra six days in for the temple? representing one day for each year of construction, since we can be sure the faggot masonic cabal was involved with that project. Plus Herod was only a King by marrying a female of the royal house of David lineage. Follow the wives is an ancient issue it seems. So Lent might be a period of 46 days with the hidden cabal mourning the Temple they lost.
My point is True Christians remember Jesus and don't need an outward mark, they are baptized already. But certainly using a period of time to separate from the things of this life to focus on the eternal and mortal is a good thing.