Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 9:34 a.m. No.15763830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3848 >>4192 >>4544

Operator of Nord Stream 2 Fires All Employees After US Sanctions


The operator of Nord Stream 2 has terminated all contracts with employees after it was hit with U.S. sanctions following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project represents an $11 billion investment from Russia and is designed to carry 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Russia to Germany every year. It is registered in Switzerland and owned by Russian state-owned gas giant Gazprom.


The United States sanctioned Nord Stream 2 AG last week after Russia recognized two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine prior to its invasion of the country, which has prompted a wave of economic sanctions by the West.


“Following the recent geopolitical developments leading to the imposition of U.S. sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG, the company had to terminate contracts with employees. We very much regret this development,” Nord Stream 2 AG told Reuters in an emailed statement.


Switzerland’s economy minister Guy Parmelin told Swiss radio service RTS on Monday that all 140 Nord Stream employees who worked for the company in the Swiss city of Zug had their contracts terminated.


Two unnamed sources also told Reuters that Nord Stream 2 AG is considering filing for insolvency.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 9:35 a.m. No.15763841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4192 >>4544

Chaos Erupts In Energy Markets As European Gas Jumps 60%


The invasion of Ukraine has transformed Russia into a commercial outcast as refiners balk at purchasing Russian energy products, and banks are refusing to finance shipments. The result is a physical market in disarray as geopolitical turmoil upends supply chains and keeps markets volatile.


Commodity markets have been in turmoil since the Feb. 24 invasion. European natural gas jumped as much as 60% on Wednesday – as buyers, traders and shippers avoid Russian gas.


Three sources told Bloomberg that gas and power traders are avoiding new deals with Russia's Gazprom PJSC. They said European companies are expected to unwind contracts, or clearinghouses will halt trading with Russia's state-owned energy company and liquidate their positions.


But for now, Gazprom's gas supplies are flowing into Europe and increasing. Shipments at top entry points, such as Velke Kapusany in Slovakia and Yamal-Europe pipeline overnight in Germany, have recorded gas levels rebounded, with more capacity booked.


The invasion has turned Russian into a commercial outcast and is causing changes in market structures, price dislocations, and violent swings across commodities and many asset classes.


The European benchmark, Dutch gas, jumped to nearly 195 euros a megawatt-hour, a record high, and were 38% higher at 167 euros at 0728 ET.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 9:36 a.m. No.15763848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3857 >>3895



German ex-chancellor’s staff quit over his ties to Russia – reports


The staffers reportedly left in response to Gerhard Schroeder’s refusal to vacate posts at the Rosneft and Gazprom energy giants


Gerhard Schroeder, a German social-democratic politician who served as the country’s chancellor from 1998 to 2005, has had all his staff walk out on him. The German media claims that the four quit after Schroeder refused to vacate his posts at two Russian energy companies.


According to Germany’s Pioneer news portal, Albrecht Funk who had served as Schroder’s taxpayer-funded office manager for over 20 years, stepped down last week, after his boss refused to quit his posts in Russia’s Rosneft and Gazprom energy companies despite Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.


Speaking to Reuters, Funk said that, along with him, two secretaries and a driver had asked to be moved to other jobs within the chancellery. Funk would not reveal their reasons to the outlet, however.


Neither Schroeder himself, nor the chancellery, has yet issued any comment regarding the issue.


The former chancellor is known to be on friendly terms with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Moreover, since leaving office in 2005, he has held multiple positions in Russian or Russia-affiliated businesses.


His closeness to Moscow has come under increased scrutiny at home over the past week, after Russia launched what it described as a “special military operation” in Ukraine. Politicians from Schroeder’s own SPD party, as well as other political forces in the country, have been putting pressure on him to sever his ties with Russian firms.


While criticizing Russia’s invasion in general in a statement last week, Schroeder also pointed out that “both sides made mistakes,” apparently suggesting that NATO’s eastward expansion had played a role, too.


However, he has so far refused to yield to the pressure over the posts he holds in Russian companies. He argued that Europe should not completely cease relations with Russia despite the current escalation.


Schroeder’s stance has seen some in Germany demand that all the benefits and perks he enjoys as a former chancellor be taken away from him.


On February 24, President Putin announced the launch of a military offensive in Ukraine, which he said was intended to “demilitarize and denazify” the country, and protect the Russian-speaking population of the Donbass republics. Ukraine and its Western allies have dismissed these claims as merely a pretext for waging an aggressive war against a sovereign state, and insist that Putin seeks to install a pro-Russian puppet government in Kiev.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 9:37 a.m. No.15763854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3871

Facebook Announces ‘Narrow Exception’ for Previously Censored Neo-Nazi ‘Azov Battalion’.


The group within the Ukrainian National Guard are known for their robust Neo Nazi views.


Facebook is reversing a ban on users praising Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, previously included in the platform’s Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, amidst Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Internal memos from the social media platform, which has routinely censored mainstream conservative content, reveal it will “allow praise of the Azov Battalion when explicitly and exclusively praising their role in defending Ukraine OR their role as part of the Ukraine’s National Guard.”


“Internally published examples of speech that Facebook now deems acceptable include “Azov movement volunteers are real heroes, they are a much needed support to our national guard”; “We are under attack. Azov has been courageously defending our town for the last 6 hours”; and “I think Azov is playing a patriotic role during this crisis,” added The Intercept, which first obtained the company memos.


“For the time being, we are making a narrow exception for praise of the Azov Regiment strictly in the context of defending Ukraine, or in their role as part of the Ukraine National Guard,” clarified a spokesperson from Facebook’s parent company Meta.


“But we are continuing to ban all hate speech, hate symbolism, praise of violence, generic praise, support, or representation of the Azov Regiment, and any other content that violates our community standards,” they added in a statement to Business Insider.


The policy shift follows years of heavy-handed censorship of stories critical of the Democratic Party, pharmaceutical companies, and the Chinese Communist Party despite the platform now deciding to allow praise for a military force known for its “hardcore right-wing ultranationalism and the neo-Nazi ideology pervasive among its members,” according to The Intercept.


The first commander of the Azov Batallion, which has marched and trained for combat wearing symbols from the Third Reich, was former Ukrainian parliamentarian Andriy Biletsky, who asserted that Ukraine’s national objective was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhuman].”


A recent video posted by the National Guard of Ukraine also showed an Azov soldier dipping bullets in pig fat while issuing the following warning: “Dear Muslim brothers, in our country, you will not go to heaven. You will not be allowed into heaven. Go home, please. Here, you will encounter trouble. Thank you for your attention, goodbye.”

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 9:38 a.m. No.15763856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3864

Cop Arrested for Selling Large Amounts of Cocaine From His Police Cruiser, While On Duty, In Uniform


Raleigh, NC — Thanks to the state’s immoral and often deadly war on drugs, countless American citizens have had their lives ruined or ended over their personal choice to put a substance in their bodies. Highlighting the colossal failure of the war on drugs is the fact that drug overdoses are at an all-time high while the DEA and other law enforcement programs for drug enforcement are receiving record amounts of taxpayer dollars.


Despite years of suffering, oppression, and the expansion of the police state, most lawmakers cannot see the atrocities that their policies are creating. Their answer to the war on drugs, is more war on drugs.


Nothing epitomizes this madness better than when cops — who are tasked with arresting people for arbitrary substances deemed illegal by the state — are caught selling or using those very substances. When the enforcers of the drug war actually become participants in the drug trade, it is high time we admit defeat and try something different.


A cop in Raleigh, North Carolina made this point perfectly after he was arrested for trafficking drugs — from his patrol car, while on duty, and in uniform. According to court documents, Keven Rodriguez, 33, a Field Operations Division Officer with the Raleigh Police Department, distributed cocaine while on duty in his patrol car.


Rodriguez had become so brazen with his drug sales that his own officers apparently found out that he was selling the drugs from his patrol car. After suspicions were raised, a DEA investigation was launched and subsequently ensnared the cop.


According to the Department of Justice, a confidential source arranged to meet with Rodriguez on January 24, 2022. Rodriguez drove to the meeting location in his marked Raleigh Police Department patrol car and was carrying his duty firearm. The confidential source met with Rodriguez and gave Rodriguez $2,600 in cash. Rodriguez then gave suspected cocaine to the confidential source. The drugs were later tested by a lab and confirmed to be approximately 56 grams of cocaine.


The wired informant spoke to Rodriguez through his right passenger window, and the transaction was recorded on audio and video and observed live by agents.


“When one who wears the badge breaks the law, it breaches the public trust,” U.S. Attorney Michael Easley said. “This alleged crime is a serious breach of public trust.”


“The arrest of Mr. Rodriguez is a disappointment to me, the Raleigh Police Department, and the citizens and residents of our community,” Raleigh Police Chief Estella Patterson said. “Although disheartening, I want to ensure transparency to maintain public trust.”


“While I am disturbed by today’s events, I will not allow the alleged actions of one to define the Raleigh Police Department or discredit the outstanding work that our employees do on a daily basis,” Patterson said. “I will continue to hold my officers and myself accountable to the highest standard of conduct, both on and off duty.”


According to the U.S. attorney, however, there may be more than “one officer” within the department who is also using their position in law enforcement to profit from the war on drugs.


During a press conference, Easley would not confirm whether similar arrests were expected, but suggested there are more officers involved in the scheme than they originally anticipated.


Rodriguez now faces a mandatory minimum penalty of 5 years in prison if convicted, and a maximum of life in prison. Clearly the threat of this sentence was not enough to deter the cop from participating in the drug trade. It is time we end this immoral war.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 9:43 a.m. No.15763890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4021

Rotherham: Police Investigator Did Not Act on Child Abuse Intel – Claim



A former senior police investigator in Rotherham has been accused of not acting on evidence that children were sexually exploited in the region.


Detective Sergeant David Walker — who was in charge of Rotherham’s child abuse investigation unit between 2008 and 2012 — has been accused of not acting on claims that children were being sexually exploited.


Walker is one of six officers who have been accused of gross misconduct after an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct, an accusation the ex-police officer has denied.


According to a report by the BBC, a hearing on the matter has been told that Walker failed to record and investigate allegations of child abuse taking place in Rotherham.


In one example outlined to the hearing, Walker allegedly received an email outlining how the mother of 15 and 13-year-old girls alleged that the pair were forming relationships with adult men working at a car wash.


Also noted within the email was the claim that the 15-year-old was reported to have had sex with “several” of the men involved.


Despite this, however, Walker is reported to have had done “nothing with this information”, instead replying to the email sent by a social worker saying: “This appears to be a matter for social services. Please liaise and finalise.”


Walker was also accused of failing to act on information that a Rotherham council youth worker was passing on the details of vulnerable young girls to potential abusers, according to a report by The Times on the hearing.


“Walker did nothing in respect of this information and simply left any safeguarding actions to social services,” the misconduct hearing was told.


Other reported incidents where Walker is alleged to have not taken appropriate action include an example where a teenage girl was supposedly raped in the presence of an accomplice, another where a man is to alleged to have threatened a number of girls with a firearm, an alleged incident where a man — who had been previously arrested for sexual offences — was encouraging girls as young as ten to visit him, and one report which alleged that a 30-year old sex offender was the father of a girl’s unborn child.


According to The Times article on the hearing, it is expected that Walker will argue that non-familial child abuse was beyond the remit of his unit, and that he was under-resourced at the time, while also not being properly equipped with the training necessary to deal with child sexual exploitation.


The hearing is expected to resume on March 21.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 9:49 a.m. No.15763933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3969 >>3996

Czech Republic, Slovakia And Latvia Threaten to Jail Citizens Who Voice Support For Russia


Czech Republic, Slovakia And Latvia have all announced they're going to start jailing citizens for voicing support for Russia or justify their intervention in Ukraine.


From Consortium News, "Jail Time for Czechs Agreeing With Russian Intervention":


The Supreme State Prosecutor of the Czech Republic has warned its citizens that they can wind up in jail if they utter agreement with Russia's military intervention in Ukraine.


"The Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office considers it necessary to inform citizens that the current situation associated with the Russian Federation's attack on Ukraine may have implications for their freedom of expression," began a statement from the office, dated Feb. 26.


"If someone publicly (including demonstrations, the Internet or social networks) agreed (accepted or supported the Russian Federation's attacks on Ukraine) or expressed support or praised the leaders of the Russian Federation in this regard, they could also face criminal liability under certain conditions," the statement says.


The laws the statement cites include prohibition against "approving of a criminal offense" and "denying, questioning, approving and justifying genocide." The Czech Republic is a member of both the European Union and NATO.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 9:51 a.m. No.15763949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4192 >>4544

Berkeley Prof. Caught On Camera Telling Students White People Are ‘Villains That Need To Be Abolished’


Professor Zeus Leonardo, an associate dean at Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education, thinks racial justice might mean abolishing white people.


“To abolish whiteness is to abolish white people. That’s very uncomfortable perhaps, but it asks about our definitions of what race is and what racial justice might mean.”


He claims that white people are committed to being villains.


Can you imagine if we said this about black people? He’s inciting people to violence and is promoting hatred.


This is what teachers are learning.


During a virtual discussion, a video of which surfaced in October, Leonardo suggested reading for students arguing white people are not actually born white, but rather “abused” and “bullied” into becoming white by their white caretakers and guardians.


Recommended reading from the professor of education at Berkeley includes concepts such as “white people are not born white”.


White people are “born human” and then “white parents physically and psychologically ABUSE them” into becoming “white people”.


— Mythinformed MKE (@MythinformedMKE) October 18, 2021


Leonardo admitted the idea proposed in the book was “provocative” during the virtual discussion, but nonetheless, he suggested it.


“In whiteness studies, whiteness is the problem to be posed, if not also solved,” Leonardo told students last year at George Washington University’s Graduate School of Education and Human Development.


This is your critical race theory in action. Do you still want your children to learn this garbage?


Okay, then, LeBron wasn’t born black. He was bullied into it.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 9:52 a.m. No.15763959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4058

Every American Needs to Read this Statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry before things reach the point of no return


“MOSCOW, February 28 Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova expressed confidence on Monday that experiments of NATO and Western public’s staying mum on the situation in Donbass resulted in a humanitarian and political disaster in Europe.


‘NATO’s experiments and the deafening silence of the Western public – these are the reasons behind the humanitarian and political disaster in Europe. An end was to be put to this, since the West refused to conduct any negotiations whatsoever and welcomed aggressive statements and direct threats of Kiev puppets towards Russia,’ the diplomat wrote.


‘Russia did not launch a war, it is ending it,’ Zakharova stressed. ‘Throughout these years, the Russian side was urging the global community to stand against the consistent annihilation of the Donbass population. ‘These are millions of people, who were losing their loved ones every day, living in basements to flee the shelling,’ she added.


‘Where were all these countries and their public during these eight years that the war continued, and how did they condemn the killing of at least 13,000 people throughout these years?’ the diplomat asked.


‘None among those who are “yelling now” in “civilized countries” has ever rallied to support the population of Donetsk and Lugansk with the demand to stop bloodshed, she stressed. ‘The world was silent. ‘Submissive silence of the global community and their disregard for the bloody catastrophe resulting from the anti-constitutional coup in Ukraine in 2014, staged with the direct participation of the US, the EU, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and other NATO countries, simply encouraged the Kiev regime to continue to destroy their own population,’ Zakharova stressed.”

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:10 a.m. No.15764068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4192 >>4544

Israel rejects travel documents labelled 'State of Palestine'


Requests from Palestinians attempting to leave or enter the Gaza Strip through the Israeli-controlled Erez Crossing are being rejected by the Israeli government if the required documents are headed "State of Palestine".


Tarabin Asana, 60, tried to visit Gaza following her father's death. However, Israel's military liaison officer to the Palestinians, known as the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), refused to approve her request due to the heading on the form labelled the "State of Palestine".


According to Haaretz, the response that she received explained that Israel does not accept documents from the "State of Palestine". The officials said, "Legible documents should be submitted that do not have this heading or its equivalent in any language."


In another case, a petition filed at Jerusalem District Court by the Israeli human rights organisation Gisha sought permission for a Gaza resident and her three children to visit her husband undergoing life-threatening surgery in the West Bank. During a court hearing, the Israeli government instructed Gisha to submit an official medical document issued by the Palestinian Health Ministry to COGAT proving the husband's critical condition. However, the government insisted that the document could only be submitted via the Palestinian Civil Affairs Committee in Gaza. "Israel doesn't transfer documents with the heading 'State of Palestine'."


Haaretz said that following a number of such cases, the Hamoked Centre for the Defence of the Individual contacted the head of COGAT at the Erez Crossing demanding that a stop be put to this practice.


"Gaza Strip residents' right to a family life is reduced to the most exceptional circumstances: a wedding, serious illness or a relative's funeral," Hamoked's executive director, Jessica Montell, pointed out. "But even at such sensitive moments, the army is mistreating people who need the approval and is refusing to permit people to attend the funeral of their mother or sister only because a logo that bothers the soldiers appears on the document that proves the urgent need for the visit. That's outrageous and completely illegitimate conduct."


In response, COGAT claimed that it had been contacted only recently on the issue and that it would be "considered and responded to by the relevant officials, as is customary."

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:15 a.m. No.15764090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4113 >>4384

Holding Torah scroll, Kyiv rabbi curses Russians standing by amid Ukraine invasion


Contentious St. Petersburg-born Rabbi Azman accuses Russia of attacking indiscriminately, unlike Israel; another chief rabbi compares Putin to Hitler, calls on world to act


A prominent Kyiv-based rabbi on Tuesday issued a fiery condemnation of Russian people, and specifically Russian Jews, for standing idly by as Moscow pummels Ukraine for the sixth straight day in an attempted invasion.


“Remember that he who does not care and he who agrees silently — that is an accomplice to a crime. A war crime! A crime against humanity!” said the St. Petersburg-born Rabbi Moshe Azman, one of several men who claim to be Ukraine’s chief rabbi.


“I never thought, even in my worst nightmare, that I might have to perish under the shells of Russia, where I was born, where I went to school, where I have many friends, who are silent. Basically, no one has called and asked [how I’m doing]. People call from all over the world. From all over the world. Jews and non-Jews. Even Arabs call me from Israel and support me,” he said, speaking in Russian, in a video statement shared on social media late Tuesday night.


In addition to his disputed status as Ukraine’s chief rabbi — at least three other men also claim the title — Azman made waves last year when he came out in support of the storming of the US Capitol building. He also maintained close ties with several of former US president Donald Trump’s associates involved in the so-called Ukrainegate scandal, in which Trump attempted to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless Kyiv announced it was investigating US President Joe Biden’s son.


In his video, Azman accused the Russian military of indiscriminately bombing Ukraine using Grad rockets, simple 122-mm rockets fired from a truck-mounted launcher, which he contrasted with the Israeli military’s use of “high accuracy missiles” to kill terrorists “so as to not, God forbid, hurt the peaceful population.”


“Here? Look. Look at the videos. Maybe you’re not shown this. They shoot with Grad. Gras are not high-accuracy weapons. Grads, tanks, ballistic rockets, planes. What’s going on? War. War! War!” he said.


Holding a Torah scroll, Azman said he “curses” those who are “silent accomplices in this horrible crime.”


“I’m standing with the holy Torah. This Torah has been given to us by the Almighty. And I’m telling you on the Torah,” he says.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:16 a.m. No.15764100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

West itself rejected dialogue on establishing new security architecture, says Lavrov


At the same time, the Russian foreign minister stressed that it was impossible to isolate Russia


West itself rejected dialogue on establishing new security architecture, says Lavrov

At the same time, the Russian foreign minister stressed that it was impossible to isolate Russia

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:17 a.m. No.15764106   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU cuts seven Russian banks from SWIFT


As of March 12, it shall be prohibited to provide to them specialized financial messaging services, which are used to exchange financial data


The European Union has disconnected from the SWIFT interbank payment system seven Russian banks, including VTB, Rossiya, Otkritie, Novikombank, Promsvyazbank, Sovcombank and VEB.RF. Relevant regulations were posted in the EU Official Journal on Wednesday.


"It shall be prohibited as of 12 March 2022 to provide specialized financial messaging services, which are used to exchange financial data," to Russian banks listed in the annex to the decision.


Brussels is ready to add new banks to this list if necessary, the European Commission said.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:21 a.m. No.15764132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4149

NIH Says COVID Exacerbated Preexisting Resentment against Racial/Ethnic Minorities


COVID-19 exacerbated preexisting resentment against racial/ethnic minorities and marginalized communities, according to a government study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the nation’s medical research agency. Furthermore, the taxpayer-funded probe reveals that in comparison with whites all minorities “were more likely to report that people acted afraid of them because of suspected COVID-19 infection.” Limited English proficiency, less than a high school education and an annual income below $60,000 were also associated with experiencing increased discrimination, the study found.


Scientists from the NIH’s National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities used a special tool called Unequal Racial Burden (CURB) survey to conduct the analysis. The data was used to measure the prevalence of COVID-19-related discrimination in all major racial and ethnic groups in the United States. The government scientists also analyzed the impact of other social and demographic factors on pandemic-related discrimination and found that people from marginalized groups, such as those who speak little to no English and those with lower education levels, were also found to face more discrimination. “To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest, most racially diverse, and most recent assessment of COVID-19–related discrimination in the United States,” the researchers write in their recently published paper.


Information was collected by the online CURB survey in English and Spanish from 5,500 American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, Latino, white, and multiracial adults. The survey asked whether participants had experienced COVID-19–related discriminatory behaviors, such as being called names or insulted, being threatened or harassed, or hearing racist comments, because the perpetrator thought the participant had COVID-19. The survey also asked whether participants felt that others acted afraid of them because they belonged to a racial/ethnic group misconceived to get COVID-19 more often.


More than 42% of the minority responders reported that “people acted afraid of them,” and 22% said they had experienced “COVD-19-related discriminatory behaviors.” All racial and ethnic minority groups are more likely to experience COVID-related discrimination compared to whites, the racial burden surveys reveal. “Participants who identified as Asian or American Indian/Alaska Native were most likely to have experienced this hostile behavior, and participants who identified as Hawaiian or Pacific Islander or Latino were also highly likely to have experienced discrimination,” the findings state. “Higher rates of discrimination affected participants who lived in a big city; in a rural area; or in Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, or Tennessee.”


In an announcement promoting the study last week the NIH writes that the results suggest COVID-19 has worsened existing resentment toward racial and ethnic minorities and “other minority populations” in the United States. “The study showcases the need for careful and responsible public health messaging during public health crises to help prevent and address discrimination against groups that have been marginalized,” the agency writes. In the paper the researchers state that “efforts are needed to minimize and discredit racially driven language and discrimination around COVID-19 and future epidemics.” They also assert that future studies and public health efforts focused on COVID-related discrimination “should explicitly include all major racial/ethnic groups, as most appear to be at equally high risk as Asian adults but have thus far been largely ignored in antidiscrimination efforts.”


The government scientists seem to indicate that the problem is probably much worse than the study reveals because there were limitations. For example, the survey was administered online and minorities with limited or no internet access were less likely to be included. Another limitation, conveniently buried at the bottom of the NIH press release, is that it was a “self-reported survey, and discrimination was based on perceived motivations of the perpetrators.”

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:26 a.m. No.15764180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4265

War In Ukraine Day 6: Russia Changed Tactics And Succeeded. Huge Casualties And Humanitarian Disaster (Video 18+)


On March 1, 2022, on the sixth day of the war in Ukraine, the Russian military changed its tactics, both in terms of conducting military operations against the AFU and in terms of their attitude towards the civilian population.


On March 1, numerous unmanned reconnaissance drones of the Russian Armed Forces were observed in the skies over Ukraine, especially near Kharkiv. The question arises why the Russians actually neglected this element of aerial reconnaissance in the previous 5 days, after they reached full air supremacy. Apparently, the answer lies in the incompetence of some of the Moscow carpet generals, who had achieved the command positions in the military operation against Ukraine through intrigues seeking for upcoming awards and promotions.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:28 a.m. No.15764196   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian Nationalist Battalions Prepare Mass Murder Provocations In Mariupol


On March 2nd, the People’s Militia of the DPR reported that nationalist forces are preparing provocations in the city of Mariupol.


The commander of a separate special detachment Azov of the 12th operational brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine is preparing a mass provocation with the death of civilians in the city of Mariupol, the DPR PM claimed.


According to the report, dozens of civilians were captured on the territory of the Metallurgical Combine Azovstal, which is located at the mouth of the Kalmius River. People were reportedly taken in mined workshops and office premises. The heavy military equipment was deployed in the yard of the enterprise.


In the event of a breakthrough of the joint Russian, DPR forces to the city of Mariupol, the Ukrainian nationalists reportedly plan to blow up the buildings and accuse Russia of destroying civilians and civilian infrastructure with artillery fire.


Another provocation is reportedly being prepared in the building of the local school No. 34 on 17 Gastelo Street in Mariupol, where more than 60 civilians are forcibly detained, including a lot of women and children. According to the DPR People’s Militia, numerous civilians who tried to leave the city through the humanitarian corridors were forcibly brought to the school.


At the same time, the report reads that teachers of the Azov State Technical University, located on Universitetskaya Street, 7, in Mariupol, claimed that militants from the Azov division began mining the building of the University, as well as nearby areas, with controlled explosive devices.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:31 a.m. No.15764216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4544

Official New Zealand Ministry of Health Data shows the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome


The New Zealand Ministry of Health are presenting Covid-19 data in a way that misleadingly suggests the Covid-19 injections are extremely effective, and they are deceivingly doing their upmost to ensure you cannot prove otherwise.


But as is always the case here at The Expose, where there is a will, there is a way, and we have managed to uncover the true nature of the current Covid-19 situation in New Zealand according to the Ministry of Health’s buried statistics, and the data strongly suggests the fully vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).


The New Zealand Ministry of Health (NZ MoH) have been publishing a daily ‘Covid-19: Case Demographics‘ report since August 2021, and in it they confirm the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status. However, the NZ MoH do not provide an archive of the data. Therefore, once a new update comes out it’s impossible to find what the data was showing the day before, a week before, or even two months before.


But just like Public Health Scotland originally did before we exposed them, and just like the Government of Canada are doing now, the New Zealand Ministry of Health only provide a cumulative total from the 16th August 21.


Which is both irritating, and extremely misleading when you consider New Zealand is currently experiencing it’s largest wave of Covid-19 to date by a country mile.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:39 a.m. No.15764270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4544

146 children worldwide saved in an operation targeting child abuse online


90 000 online accounts were identified internationally, 46 suspects arrested in New Zealand and more than 100 identified across the EU


Europol supported an international investigation into tens of thousands of accounts possessing and sharing child sexual abuse material online. The operation, led by the Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs, has so far involved law enforcement authorities from Australia, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain, the UK and the US. The international coordination of the investigative activities facilitated the identification of a large number of individuals tied to these accounts.


The investigation was initiated in 2019, following a report from an online service provider, which indicated that a large number of offenders used the platform to exchange particularly disturbing child abuse images, including imagery depicting sadistic acts of sexual abuse of infants and children. The review of the information led to the discovery of 32 GB of files, the equivalent memory necessary to stream approximately 90 minutes of video. To date, the international investigation has led to the opening of 836 cases internationally, the arrests of 46 individuals across New Zealand, the identification of more than 100 suspects across the EU and the safeguarding of 146 children across the globe. The operational activities led to the identification of users worldwide and this information was shared with the relevant national authorities for further action. In two of the cases in Austria and Hungary, the suspects were offenders abusing their own children, who were six and eight years old respectively. Both children were subsequently safeguarded. Another investigation in Spain uncovered that the suspect possessed and disseminated child sexual exploitation material, while also filming naked and sexual images of adults without their consent. A large number of investigations are still ongoing across the EU.


Europol facilitated the exchange of information and coordinated the partner agencies. The agency also provided analytical support by cross-checking the data and providing greater detail for the investigative intelligence packages, which were then disseminated to the national law enforcement authorities participating in this operation.

Participating authorities


International and EU organisations: Europol and Interpol

EU Members States


Austrian Criminal Police Office

Croatian National Police

Czech National Police

Hellenic Police

Hungarian National Bureau of Investigation

Slovenian Police

Slovakian National Police

Spanish National Police

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:41 a.m. No.15764290   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dozens arrested in 105-count narcotics indictment


HOUSTON – A total of 50 people are now in custody following one of the largest major law enforcement operations in South Texas in recent years, announced U.S. Attorney Jennifer B. Lowery along with Special Agent in Charge Daniel C. Comeaux of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The crimes allegedly involve drug trafficking and related activities in the Houston and Galveston areas.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:44 a.m. No.15764306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4383 >>4544

47 Canadians charged in global child sex investigation


RCMP say 47 Canadians have been arrested and 12 children have been removed from abusive situations as part of a global investigation into online child sexual exploitation.


Police say 186 charges have been laid in Canada so far during the investigation, dubbed Operation H.

They say arrests have been made in eight provinces over the past two years, but note the investigation is still underway.


The RCMP say the probe began in New Zealand in the fall of 2019, after law enforcement officials were alerted by an electronic service provider who had discovered a large number of subscribers sharing "some of the most graphic and violent child sexual abuse material online."


They say some 90,000 accounts were identified as possessing or sharing child sexual abuse material.


Toronto police, who were contacted as part of the probe, say they have arrested and charged six men with a total of 18 offences, including some related to possessing, accessing and distributing child sex abuse material.


Toronto police Insp. Justin Vander Heyden of the sex crimes unit says one of the accused has since been convicted and jailed, one has died, and the other four are still going through the justice system.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:45 a.m. No.15764313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4544

SLO County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force Makes Nine Arrests During Operation Reclaim and Rebuild


District Attorney Dan Dow announced today that Operation Reclaim and Rebuild was a success in San Luis Obispo County between February 6 and February 12, 2022. San Luis Obispo County’s Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force enforcement effort resulted in disrupting criminal trafficking networks with the arrest of nine individuals in San Luis Obispo County over three days of enforcement operations.


This year marked the fourth year that the San Luis Obispo County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force has participated in the annual Operation Reclaim and Rebuild led by the Los Angeles Regional Human Trafficking Task Force. The statewide operation included more than 80 participating federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, and task forces from across California focused on combatting human trafficking in southern California.


San Luis Obispo County’s effort resulted in the following arrests and prosecutions:


Three individuals were arrested for contacting a 13-year-old minor with the intent to commit a sexual offense (California Penal Code § 288.3). They are due to be arraigned in Superior Court, Department 1 on March 24, 2022.


WILLIAM THOMAS FELAND (DOB: 04/28/1956) (booking photo)

LUIS H GONZALEZ (DOB: 08/19/1977) (booking photo)

ROBERT M WALLS, JR (DOB: 10/24/1977) (booking photo)


Four individuals were arrested for solicitation of prostitution (California Penal Code § 647(b)). They are due to be arraigned in Superior Court on June 1, 2022.


JOSEPH RICARDO ARMAS (DOB: 11/20/1989) (booking photo)

ALEX ALEJANDRO LOPEZ (DOB: 10/24/1991) (booking photo)

NEIL JAMES MILLER (DOB: 03/05/1986) (booking photo unavailable)

JAMES DARREN WORMLEY (DOB: 11/17/1975) (booking photo)


Two individuals were arrested for pimping (California Penal Code § 266h). These cases are active ongoing investigations.


"The demand for prostitution creates a lucrative cash market that traffickers fill with victims – many who are children – even in our beautiful community," said District Attorney Dan Dow. "Our local anti-human trafficking enforcement operations are designed to reduce the demand for commercial sex that leads to exploitation of minors and adults every day in our community. A warning to those thinking about purchasing sex: please stop and consider that one million kids are trafficked for sex each year and you are making it more widespread."*


The San Luis Obispo County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force was formally established by District Attorney Dan Dow shortly after his election in 2014. This operation by the Task Force was directly aimed at disrupting networks of human trafficking for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation occurring on the central coast, identifying and assisting survivors of trafficking, and reducing the demand for trafficking and exploitation of minors by identifying and prosecuting would-be purchasers.


We are thankful for the efforts of each of our partner agencies in this year’s operation, including: San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office – Special Operations Unit & Special Victim’s Unit; DeliverFund; California Highway Patrol – Investigative Services Unit; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – Santa Maria Field Office; Ventura County Sheriff’s Office – Special Crimes Unit/Human Trafficking Team; San Luis Obispo County Probation Department; California Department of Justice – Fresno and Sacramento Sexual Predator/Human Trafficking Teams; San Luis Obispo Police Department; San Luis Obispo County District Attorney – Bureau of Investigations; and the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney – Christopher G. Money Victim Witness Assistance Center.


“Our partnership with DeliverFund ensured that our tri-county operation was successful, meeting our objective to disrupt and dismantle trafficking activity and to rescue victims from their traffickers,” said San Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow. “Our community is safer today because of the assistance that DeliverFund has provided to our enforcement team. Our local operation led to the arrest of three individuals who were attempting to purchase a 13-year-old child for sexual exploitation and six other arrests for trafficking-related crimes.”

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:48 a.m. No.15764332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4350 >>4435 >>4544



Larry Fink (CEO of BlackRock which bought controlling interest in Pfizer in 2019);

Rob Kapito (President of BlackRock which bought controlling interest in Pfizer in 2019);

Mortimer Joseph Buckley (CEO of Vanguard);

Rochelle Walensky (Director of CDC);

Anne Schuchat (Deputy Director of CDC);

Sherri A Berger (Chief of staff of CDC);

Mitchell Wolfe (Chief "medical" officer of CDC);

Jeff Reczek (Director of Washington Office of CDC);

Stanley Erck (CEO and president of Novavax);

Serge Weinberg (Independent director of Sanofi (formerly Hoechst));

Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna);

Tal Zaks (Chief "medical" officer of Moderna, vaccine creator);

Emma Walmsley (CEO of Glaxo Smith Kline);

Drew Weissman (Pioneer in the development of mRNA vaccines);

Albert Bourla (Chairman and CEO of Pfizer);

Michael Dolsten (Chief "scientific" officer of Pfizer);

Sally Susman (Executive vice president and Chief corporate affairs officer of Pfizer);

Alex Gorsky (CEO of Johnson & Johnson);

Pascal Soriot (CEO of AstraZeneca);

Xavier Becerra (Secretary of US department of "Health" and Human "Services");

Alex Azar (Secretary of US department of "Health" and Human "Services");

Rachel Levine (Assistant secretary of US department of "Health", cross-dressing pervert);

Jeffrey Zients (COVID "czar" to Bolshevik-Zionist Biden);

Andy Slavitt (COVID senior "advisor" to Bolshevik-Zionist Biden);

Jonas Salk (Eugenicist, inventor of the genocidal polio "vaccine");

Alejandro Mayorkas (Secretary of Homeland "Security");

Andy Slavitt (Senior "Advisor" to the COVID (Magic Virus) "Response" "Coordinator");

Anne Neuberger (Deputy National "Security" "Advisor" for Cyber and Emerging Technology);

Annie Petsonk (Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Aviation and International "Affairs");

Antony Blinken (Secretary of "State");

Avril Haines (Director of National "Intelligence");

David Cohen (Deputy Head of the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA));

David Kessler (Chief "Science" Officer of the COVID (Magic Virus) "Response" Team);

Douglas Emhoff (the next "First Lady"? Husband of Kamala Harris);

Elena Kagan (Supreme Court "Justice");

Jeffrey Zients (COVID (Magic Virus) "Response" "Coordinator");

Kamala Harris (next US president? Harris told one camera she celebrated Hanukkah as a child)

Merrick Garland (US Attorney General);

Ron Klain (White House Chief of Staff);

Sonia Sotomayor (Supreme Court "Justice");

Stephen Breyer (Supreme Court "Justice");

Victoria Nuland (Undersecretary of State for Political "Affairs");

Wendy Sherman (Deputy Secretary of "State");

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:54 a.m. No.15764373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4434 >>4544

ACLU files lawsuit to stop Ohio law requiring medical care for babies who survive abortion


The ACLU attorneys said that the law could lead to the closing of abortion facilities in the state.


The ACLU has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Ohio abortion industry to stop a new law that requires medical care for infants who survive abortions.


Senate Bill 157, set to go into effect on March 23, requires that all abortion facilities have a “written transfer agreement” (WTA) with a local hospital. This facilitates emergency care in the case of an aborted infant who is born alive, and ensures babies are not left to die inside the abortionist’s facility.


The alternative to the WTA is to contract with at least four OB-GYNS who have admitting privileges at a local hospital. But these doctors cannot in any way be contracted or paid employees of a taxpayer-funded university. The purpose is to ensure that taxpayers are not subsidizing abortions in the state.


The lawsuit, filed on February 25, asks for an injunction against SB 157, also known as the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.


The ACLU attorneys who filed the suit said the law, if it goes into effect, would likely lead to abortion facilities shutting down in the state. Women’s Med Dayton, “is in danger of [Ohio Department of Health] revoking [its license],” the lawsuit stated.


Planned Parenthood would also be burdened by the new law, and its staff would have to “spend many hours” to find and train doctors, the lawsuit stated.


“Ohio politicians are piling yet another medically unnecessary, arbitrary, and onerous requirement on abortion facilities in an attempt to put abortion out of reach for Ohioans,” ACLU attorney Amy Gilbert said in a statement. “We are urging the court to see through this façade and block this law, which violates the Constitution of our state.”


“Barring abortion providers from contracting with highly qualified physicians is the opposite of good patient care,” regional Planned Parenthood president Kersha Deibel said. “Ohioans deserve better.”


Ohio Right to Life (ORTL) previously said the legislation is “anti-infanticide.”


“No baby in Ohio, regardless of the circumstances surrounding their birth, should be left alone to die,” ORTL said in a statement in October after the bill passed the state senate. “This vital anti-infanticide legislation will ensure that no baby who survives a botched abortion is denied life-saving care.”


“It will also hold abortionists accountable by establishing a much-needed reporting requirement to document when a child is born alive after an attempted abortion,” ORTL said.

Anonymous ID: 2da187 March 2, 2022, 10:56 a.m. No.15764391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4415 >>4418 >>4442 >>4544 >>5024

Yesterday’s Election in Houston Was a Trainwreck – Republicans Prevented from Voting and ‘Glitches’ Reported in Voting Machines


Another election and more corrupt actions from the Democrat Party.


The current Democrat Party can’t sell its policies of open borders, letting criminals go free, anti-police, defunding police, higher taxes, giving Afghanistan to the terrorist Taliban, and massive government spending. Since Americans don’t want this, the current leadership of the Democrat party appears to be strategically working on stealing elections, rather than selling their policies.


Yesterday’s primaries in the most populous county in Texas, Harris County where Houston resides, were riddled with corruption. According to one TGP reader:


AOC-lite, Lina Hidalgo, appointed an Elections Administrator (rather than a duly elected Elections Clerk), Isabel Longoria, who, through incompetency and ( more likely) deliberate sabotage, has created chaos in Harris County primaries.


Today is Election Day, and the website shows NO polling locations this morning. The voting location PDF was changed at 4:01 THIS MORNING. In (conservative West Houston) Katy, for example, only ONE of the previously listed voting locations remains the same – there are more now than previously, but they are not at regular precinct polling sites; therefore, most voters will show up at their precincts not knowing they cannot vote there.


In addition, PJ’s (Precinct Judges) who are working the polls have been assigned and reassigned to locations over the last few days; have had to work to find election clerks to assist (including this morning); have been given their PJ boxes minus any ballot paper and, as noted during early voting, are being forced to allow Republican and Democrat ballots to be co-mingled in the same drop boxes after being scanned.


Real voter suppression is alive and well.


Local news outlet KHOU reported on glitches in the voting machines.


There have been some glitches on this Election Day for the nation’s first primary of 2022.


Some new voting machines went down at Harris County polling places Tuesday morning because they were apparently overwhelmed. On top of that, they said election judges are still getting used to the new equipment.


According to individuals wanting to vote in the county, there were numerous events that prevented Republicans from voting in the state’s primaries. At one precinct Republicans could not vote.