Anonymous ID: ae2b38 March 2, 2022, 9:38 a.m. No.15763859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3862 >>3889


2 Mar, 2022 15:37


Russia sanctions could backfire on EU economy – European Commission


The bloc’s economic growth and energy supplies are likely to be negatively affected


The war in Ukraine and the ensuing sanctions against Russia could harm Europe’s energy supplies and stall its economic growth, European Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni warned on Wednesday.


Speaking at a press conference in Brussels, he said Europe may encounter problems in the supply of energy resources – more precisely, the supply of Russian gas – and needs to be ready for such an outcome.


“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will likely impact growth negatively, including through repercussions on financial markets, further energy price pressures, more persistent supply chain bottlenecks, and confidence effects that we should not under-evaluate,” Gentiloni added.


His statement comes after the EU’s statistical office, Eurostat, reported on Wednesday that inflation within the bloc had soared to a new high of 5.8% in February.


Earlier, the European Commission also issued a statement outlining the negative impact of anti-Russian sanctions on the economic situation of member states.


Russia is the EU’s largest supplier of energy resources, meeting some 40% of its natural gas demand and supplying nearly a third of its crude oil imports. Its oil and gas industries have not yet been added to the sanctions list, but on March 1, members of the European Parliament approved a resolution condemning its military offensive in Ukraine. They called for tougher sanctions, including limiting oil and gas imports and completely cutting the country off from the SWIFT international system of inter-bank payments.

Anonymous ID: ae2b38 March 2, 2022, 9:41 a.m. No.15763879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4508

Russia’s space agency chief warns hackers could start war

The head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, said attempts to target Russian satellites would lead to serious repercussions


The chief of Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, has warned hackers attempting to disrupt the operation of the country’s satellites that their actions could be construed as a “casus belli – that is, an event that justifies a war.”


Dmitry Rogozin’s comment came shortly after a cyberattack on Russia’s RKA Mission Control Center. Speaking to Russia’s Rossiya 24 news channel on Wednesday, the official said that “those who are attempting to do this” should know that “it is a crime, which calls for a very severe punishment.”


Rogozin went on to stress that the disruption of operation of “any country’s space forces is a so-called casus belli,” which is a Latin term used to describe an event that either leads to or justifies the beginning of a war.


The Roscosmos chief also threatened the people responsible that his corporation would identify them, and hand the data over to Russian security services so that they could open a criminal investigation against the hackers.


Earlier, several Telegram groups claimed that the NB65 hacker group, which is allegedly linked to Anonymous, had successfully breached Roscosmos’ communications with Russia’s satellites.


However, Rogozin dismissed the claims, saying that while there were attempts to penetrate the system, Roscosmos’ defense managed to fend them off.


Since February 24, when Moscow started a war against Ukraine, websites of the Kremlin, Russian ministries, banks, and media – including RT – have been targeted by hacker or DDoS attacks. Anonymous declared a “cyber war” on Russia on the day Moscow’s troops and military hardware invaded Ukraine.


Explaining the need for the military action, President Vladimir Putin said that Russia was seeking to “demilitarize and denazify” the Eastern European country, as well as to protect from persecution the Russian-speaking population of the Donbass republics. Ukraine and its Western allies dismissed these claims as merely a pretext to invade a sovereign country, alleging that Moscow’s endgame is the installation of a pro-Russian puppet regime in Kiev.

Anonymous ID: ae2b38 March 2, 2022, 9:46 a.m. No.15763913   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkey points fingers at Ukraine in fresh push for EU membership


Kek, the EU is pissing off the tyrant in Turkey..


President Erdogan urged the bloc to show the same “sensitivity” it demonstrated for Ukraine

Turkey points fingers at Ukraine in fresh push for EU membership

© Global Look Press / Ohde/face to face

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called upon the EU to show the “same sensitivity” for the country’s membership aspirations it demonstrated for Ukraine, which has been hit by Russia’s large-scale attack.


“We appreciate the efforts to get Ukraine into the EU. But I say to these EU members: Why are you still worried about taking Turkey into the EU?Show the same sensitivity for Turkey as you do about Ukraine,” Erdogan said on Tuesday.


Turkey has long aspired to become an EU member, originally launching its bid back in 1987. The process proved to be extremely painstaking, with the country achieving a formal candidate status only in 1999. Little to no progress has been made since then, as Ankara has not met the political and economical criteria outlined by the bloc for it to become a full-fledged member.


The accession negotiations have been stalled since 2016, with Turkey-EU ties gradually deteriorating over Ankara’s crackdown following the botched coup d’état attempt and tensions over migrant influx.


Erdogan also took a jab at the ongoing inpour of foreign military aid to Ukraine, noting that Turkey is a NATO country, and wondered whether it would receive such weaponry as well. “Why don’t you give the military equipment needed by Turkey?” he said.


Multiple western countries have supplied Ukraine with assorted weaponry lately, with more pledging to deliver amid Russia’s attack. Moscow said the operation was the only option left to protect the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in Ukraine’s east from attacks by Kiev. Ukrainian authorities branded the attack unprovoked, insisting they had not planned to re-capture the republics that split after the 2014 Maidan events by force.

Anonymous ID: ae2b38 March 2, 2022, 9:51 a.m. No.15763952   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah saying it from day 1, he planned this is 8 years. All the deals with Russia, everything he did was to be in control when they commit economic suicide

Anonymous ID: ae2b38 March 2, 2022, 10:06 a.m. No.15764045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>15763978. Its almost the most predictable outcome, but the EU considers virtue signalling more important. Why? Because they dont care about the people. Raising the alarm bells after the fact is not planning, its planned suicide. So why do it?

Anonymous ID: ae2b38 March 2, 2022, 10:22 a.m. No.15764143   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia is now exclusively a ruble country


Neither citizens, nor companies will be able to pay in foreign currency


Russian citizens and companies will no longer be able to pay off their foreign debts with currencies other than the ruble, the country’s central bank announced on Wednesday.


Earlier reports also said the central bank had temporarily banned financial institutions from making money transfers from Russia abroad to non-residents, namely citizens of countries that have placed sanctions on Russia. According to business outlet RBC, the regulator sent a letter with the corresponding order to credit institutions on March 1. The ban is effective from March 1 to March 31, 2022, and applies to both individuals and legal entities. The list of countries whose citizens are affected by this ban includes 43 states.


In addition, the regulator said that Russian companies can no longer pay dividends to non-residents.


READ MORE: Brussels bans euro-notes deliveries to Russia

The measures come after a number of countries, including the US and EU, placed sanctions on the Russian financial sector in response to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. A number of Russia’s largest banks were cut off from SWIFT, while others, including the central bank itself, were subject to various restrictions and had their assets frozen.

Anonymous ID: ae2b38 March 2, 2022, 10:40 a.m. No.15764281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Pro-Russian’ hacking group hits back at Anonymous


__Hacker Wars___


Hackers Killnet claim responsibility for the attack that knocked out Anonymous’ and Zelensky’s website


A group of purportedly pro-Russian hackers calling themselves Killnet has taken down a website associated with the Anonymous hacking collective, a site belonging to the far-right Ukrainian militia group Right Sector, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s own website.


Anonymous declare ‘cyber war’ against Russia READ MORE Anonymous declare ‘cyber war’ against Russia

Users who attempted to access on Tuesday were unable to do so, receiving a 500 internal server error, and the site appeared to still be down as of Wednesday. Zelensky’s website and that of far-right group Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) were also reportedly rendered inaccessible, though the militia’s site appears to have been restored as of Wednesday.


A video posted to YouTube by Killnet addresses “Russian people,” featuring a hooded, voice-distorted figure declaring, “We welcome you from a nation of a friendly union.” Explaining that the internet is full of fake news, the voice urges the viewer not to be led astray, and to “under no circumstances doubt your country.”


The hackers blame Zelensky for the war in Ukraine, arguing that he “adopted the wrong policies” and is now “paying with the lives of his people for that.” US President Joe Biden was dismissed as a short-termer who “doesn’t want to die, may he rest in peace,” while his EU counterparts were merely “American prostitutes who can do nothing.”


“Soon this conflict will be over and peace will be ours,” the hackers reassured their Russian viewers, snarking that Anonymous had “better restore your website,” which “looks pathetic after the threats you voiced against our nation.”


Little information regarding Killnet is readily available, and it is not clear whether the hacking group existed before Tuesday’s action.


Anonymous had previously conducted a series of distributed denial of service attacks on RT, Sputnik, and other Russian state-funded media, as well as on government and business websites. They also took credit for doxxing members of the Russian military.


A Twitter account claiming to speak for the group, @YourAnonOne, announced on Thursday that the hacker collective had “officially” declared cyber-war on the Russian government, while another account, @YourAnonTV, claimed to have hacked Russian state TV channels to broadcast “the truth about what happens in Ukraine,” presenting a series of disjointed, context-free clips of bombed-out buildings and injured people.


READ MORE: EU bans broadcasts by RT, Sputnik

Anonymous began as a relatively apolitical “hacktivist” collective infiltrating and doxxing groups from the Church of Scientology to dark-net child porn rings to US-based private intelligence corporations such as Stratfor and HBGary. It later took on a more political bent, participating in the Arab Spring uprisings, digitally intervening on the side of the US in the wars in Libya and Syria, and joining in anti-government campaigns in Iran.


The formerly anti-establishment hacker collective’s attacks on Russian media have mirrored those of major social media platforms, most of which have banned Russian state outlets from monetizing their content or even appearing in top searches. The EU announced over the weekend that it would ban all RT broadcasts, while Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube have blocked access to both RT and Sputnik in Europe at the EU’s request. Microsoft has de-ranked Russian state outlets on its search engine Bing and ceased displaying their content on, while Apple and Google have yanked RT’s app from their stores.

Anonymous ID: ae2b38 March 2, 2022, 10:48 a.m. No.15764329   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flaming luxury car transporter finally sinks




Some 4,000 vehicles have been destroyed in a fiery wreck as the Felicity Ace sinks en route from Germany to the US

Flaming luxury car transporter finally sinks

© AFP / Portuguese Navy

The cargo ship Felicity Ace, carrying almost 4,000 luxury vehicles, has sunk off the Azores archipelago, likely taking with it any hope of finding out what caused the fire that has been raging aboard the vessel since last month. The ship sank at approximately 9am local time on Tuesday, according to MOL Ship Management, the managers of the Panama-flagged vessel.


The ship was seen listing to starboard before sinking, leaving behind debris and an oil slick on the water above as it went down about 220 nautical miles off the Azores. The Department of Pollution of Portugal’s National Maritime Authority and the European Maritime Safety Agency are monitoring the dispersal of the slick, according to the Portuguese Navy.


It took over a week to put out the fire, which was unusually persistent due to the notoriously flammable lithium-ion batteries contained in the electric vehicles on board. However, it’s not clear what started the blaze, and tugboats and salvage ships were in the process of towing the 650ft-long ship to port in order to perform a detailed examination of the remnants of its cargo.


However, before they could reach a port capable of handling the wreck, the salvagers preparing to board the Felicity Ace were hit by rough weather, which may have contributed to the vessel sinking. The estimated value of the cargo on board was $400 million, according to risk analysis firm the Russell Group, and the loss of the vehicles is likely to exacerbate already sky-high demand for cars in the US, which has suffered supply-chain disruptions since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.


According to an internal email from Volkswagen, the ship had been carrying 3,965 vehicles, including high-end cars manufactured byPorsche and Lamborghini as well as others by Audi and VW. The vessel caught fire on February 16 en route from Emden, in Germany, to aport in Rhode Island, US. All 22 crew members were safely evacuated.

Anonymous ID: ae2b38 March 2, 2022, 11:06 a.m. No.15764479   🗄️.is 🔗kun



il Donaldo Trumpo@PapiTrumpo




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