Anonymous ID: b76b22 March 2, 2022, 9:35 a.m. No.15763839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>15763642 (lb)

>but how do people doing "God's Work" get to be this rich?

Holy Ghost Light Sabers, and lots of persuasion. Lots and lots and lots of persuasion. Look, Pat Robertson is as dirty as any other TV preacher. Nearly every single one of them are dirty; especially if they are on TV. That doesn't mean we can't use Pat's example of understanding some basic (even if it's crude) Eschatological theory and how that ties in to Q's incessant use of "It's gonna be Biblical, y'all!" Here's how it works:

Gog and Ma'gog march on Israel in the end.

The plan is obviously setting up some parallels to bring about the destruction of some narratives people have been taught from birth to believe in.

This might trigger some sort of massive awakening.

Which would actually be Biblical as fuck.


So to answer your question, all they have to do is squeeze through the eye of a needle riding on a camel. Now after everything you see, do you reckon PDJT could pull that off somehow? I sure do. Do you think nearly anyone else in the entire world could? Probably not, but I'd like to see 'em try!

Anonymous ID: b76b22 March 2, 2022, 9:53 a.m. No.15763962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3971 >>3972 >>3989



Wouldn't that be something? Let's play this one out. China, or someone else in the region, "invades and liberates" NZ and Australia. Eventually Israel gets "figured out" (Russia and China joint operation?). Then later on down the road PDJT gets elected, and then there's a meeting of the great leaders to declare actual real world peace.

Anonymous ID: b76b22 March 2, 2022, 10 a.m. No.15764007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4019 >>4020 >>4025 >>4028 >>4046 >>4080 >>4155 >>4192 >>4204 >>4544


Good time to re-post this drop, perhaps?


Moving embassy Jerusalem was going to be their move to signify the DS plans for world domination were complete. What PDJT did was move it for them which had a cascading effect on their plans. Think of it like this. It's as if the DS was playing a board game, and PDJT took one of the pieces on the board and moved it many turns ahead of when all their teams were ready.


He totally pissed in their cornflakes.

Anonymous ID: b76b22 March 2, 2022, 10:36 a.m. No.15764249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4284 >>4305 >>4337 >>4374


I loved eschatology growing up as a biblefag. Always wondered about the Gog and Magog part. Looking like Russia/China.


Tel Aviv was the embassy location for US from the start. Long story made short, Clinton, Bush, and Obama blocked the embassy move even after congress was telling them to do it (This bill was probably symbolic of "Finish the end game plans" without many even realizing it). Anon's theory is they were going to coax Russia/China into attacking Israel/Jerusalem, and there was going to be a nuke war (killing 10s of millions - Think Albert Pike) to end all wars. After that was over, Israel would be "rebuilt", and Jerusalem declared the actual capital of Israel, and declare (officially) a winner in that conflict (something they weren't prepared to do until their 16 year plan was done). Where there's conflict/confusion, there's control. The Abraham accords accomplished a lot.


OK, so let's say you have a global population to wake up. Also assume their entire playbook was made available to all the right folks (good guys) "just in time" for PDJT to become President. What appears to have happened is the good guys used their script, line by line, making tweaks in very specific areas that would reverse all their psyops and conditioning of the people of the world (PDJT controlled the speed dial to steer us into the torpedo). When this is all finished, we'll find ourselves in a state where humanity really and truly has been freed from them and their control, and Russia/China are going to play a big role in "cleaning house" instead of starting a nuclear apocalypse.



Script = Flipped. Brilliant. Biblical, indeed, and wicked smart planning by whoever put this shit together. Like Papi says "Live Free and Be Happy".