Sooo, I have no doubt that if you're new here and only read the notables for the past week-ish, you might understandably think that this is an anti-US board.
It's really not. Sometimes weasels take over.
And that's ALSO not saying the US is innocent of fuckery.
However, please take the "AMERICA DID IT!" garbage elsewhere.
do you nazi how stupid you sound?
well, when you actually manage to summon the demons and who knows what else, don't be too surprised when they find you to be wanting.
Israel is prepared to evac anyone who wants to go. Some people won't go with them bc it might give Israel "the upper hand" or some shit.
Occupy Democrats should be classified as a hate group.
Well shit.
Whatever happened to "Ghost Ezra" or whatever the fuck some anons were constantly spamming the place with?
I have no idea about Jim falling for anything, bc I don't pay attention to some things.
And yeah, I think it started as "Eye the Spy", then a few other personas,like "E. the Friend" (?) and eventually glommed onto Mr. Cohen.
I have no idea. I kinda think someone was fucking around with the actual human Ezra Cohen?
I thought you were done for the night?