o7 Baker
Ok anons, something happened last night I gotta share with you. Something which hasn't happened with me since I was 12 years old. What happened back then, happened twice about a few weeks apart, was that while I was in bed, going to sleep, laying on my back and in that hypnogogic state, between consciousness and sleep, I had the physical sensation that something or someone (invisible) was holding me down. I struggled to snap out of it and sit up but felt helpless to do so. Finally I just did it, broke free, sat up in bed, and wondered wtf? After the second time, a few weeks later, exactly the same thing happened and this time I told my mom about what had happened. She looked concerned but had nothing to offer. It never happened again till last night.
So last night while I was in that hypnogogic state, except this time I was laying face down and I could sense an entity which did the same thing but this time it was communicating that I was helpless against it. To my core I felt completely helpless to move, had zero faith that I could do anything to prevent whatever it was doing or going to do. It was more real than I remember it being back then and tho I had no faith that doing or saying anything could make it relent I managed to utter the words and tell it to "get the fuck off of me!" To my complete surprise it backed away and left without a word or an argument. I felt encouraged and yet disturbed about the incident as there was a lingering heaviness with negative thoughts about myself and what I may have done to bring this on.
The entirety of my walk with God for 30+ years has been one of learning to just Trust Him and not to go into a religious mind set. Anon has not walked a perfect walk by any stretch of the imagination though I’ve clung to Jesus through it all.
Anyway, I’ve been pondering and praying about this off and on all day. Wondering why this happened back then and again now decades later but this time all I had to do was speak to it and literally tell it to "get the fuck of me."
When I was 12 I didn't have knowledge about the authority we have in Christ like I do now but even now, with that knowledge, I didn't have to say "in Jesus Name" or anything other than what I had said to it all the while feeling like I had no faith to produce any positive effect on the situation.
So in my praying and asking God about this I got my answer and I believe it's for all of us. Simply put it is this, we don't have to feel like we can do it. We just have to do it, say it, walk it out one step at a time. Things are going to heat up and we just need to Trust God and be bold. Simple as that!
Our prayers have moar effect than we know. Thanks and keep praying for each other anons.
And remember, when you stop having fun, you're doing it wrong.
The Joy of the Lord is our Strength.
Something else I should mention. I keep getting the impression of explosions. This shouldn't come as a surprise, nor should it evoke fear but a call to pray for the exposure of the plans of the enemy and for the safety and protection of our fellow man/woman/lady-boy etc.
Pull your pants up anon, you'll be ok.
Must be exhausting being you.