Russian Army and Russia's government is getting desperate… and running out of time
Russian armor getting stuck in mud, running out of gas, being abandoned
Russian missles and artillery attacking civilian residential areas
Russians abandoning tanks and armored vehicles which are being reclaimed by UKT Territorial Defense militias
Russian Kadys getting annihilated and UKR SOF looting and using Russia's on SOF weapons against them
Russian soldiers out of food, out of ammo, out of gas… very low morale… deserting in the forests
Russian POW's allowed to call their mommas on phone and momma didn't know her boy was fighting in a war.
I have a good understanding of reality on the ground… you dont because you are too mindfucked and utterly stupid to know how to collect information, discern what is true and put puzzle pieces together.
You are too incompetent to play the game.