Not anymore. It was bought by Chinese Factory owning Johnny Morris aka Bass Pro. Do you have to be a member of the CCP to own a factory in China?
Creating a master race of Nordics is good? Naa
Why is your world binary? Shades of grey, anon.
There are no superior races. Creating a "Master" race to rule the rest of the humans as slaves is bad, m'kay?
That's a very ethno-centric view, and problematic. The Jesuits decided the native culture in South America was inferior. So they stole Quinine and murdered their shamans, took the recipe back to Rome, and sold it to the wealthy elite as "Jesuits Bark". Shamans cured their people for free and taught them how to cure themselves. Doctor Priests hid the knowledge (truth) and sold less effective treatments for profit.
Which culture is superior?
Sub-Saharan Africans are smart enough to survive in their environment. Take 10 random "Nords" and toss them is sub-saharan africa and see how long they last; a real-life "IQ" test. Will their sudden deaths satisfy you that they are inferior?
Or, is the IQ test culturally skewed? Does a "higher" IQ "prove" superiority or only infer it by the observer?
The Nazis claimed to scientifically measure a strict hierarchy of human race. The "master race" was said to comprise the purest stock of the Aryan race, which was narrowly defined by the Nazis as being identical with the Nordic race, followed by other sub-Aryan races. The Nazis said that because Western civilization, created and maintained mostly by Nordics, was obviously superior to other civilizations, the "Nordic" peoples were superior to all other races and were entitled to dominate the world, a concept known as Nordicism.
N does not mean New or Nazi
Think sub-class
(Catholics are Jews. Read the book.)
Famines are created by warlords and the artificial implementation of political borders by outsiders…like the British, Dutch, and French.
Who divided up Africa? The same people who ask for your help fixing their inherently borked system.
Jesus…The JEWISH Messiah.
Ehh…definitely a darker shade of brown than this faggot
Jesus was a Jew. He "died" to "save the Jews" from Judaism.
Oh, the whole Abrahamic cult is completely fucktarded.
Adam and Eve weren't the first humans, just the first "jews". Their mythology is funny at best, quirky, and full of holes.
Board drama is full on kayfabe. Entertainment for entertainment's sake? Dumb storyline that I don't care to follow at all.
You'd have to be a Jew to believe that. There are plenty of pre-adamite cultures whose existence disproves that narrative.
Why include the Jewish Tanakh (OT) in "the holy book" at all? Either Bannon is brainwashed (likely) into Judeo-Christian thinking, or he's a shill for the tri-partite Abrahamic religions that world governments use to control their masses. Perhaps the "front" has to stay up to keep the war from descending into war and chaos…over religion?