because a master race of niggers is better? KYS
Oh! So you think mud people are the superior 'race'?
Human mutts are just that - Mongrels
Factually, and biologocally, sub-Saharan African IQs run from 45 up to about 65.
Nordic, and western European, IQs run from 95 to 115.
'Superior' is a subjective designation.
More intelligent, more social and moral functionality, creativity, innovation and racial success are whiter traits far superior to blacks.
They are not like us. Blacks are a far lesser species.
Oh FFS! If Africans are smart enough to survive in their own environment, WHY HAVE WE BEEN FEEDING THE ENTIRE SUB-CONTINENT FOR 50 FUCKIN YEARS!!
We need to cut off the food and feed the animals birth control!
Ukraine is being de-Nazified and it's US CIA biolabs are being destroyed.
No, Ukraine is not winning.
Neither is the corrupt US Congress who's future disclosure as treasonous thieves.
These little fuckers need to be publicly horse-whipped.
Repeat regularly till they get their minds right!