he dug to china too and popped his head out the other side upside down.
I tried that, but it got dark and my mom made me stop digging
he dug to china too and popped his head out the other side upside down.
I tried that, but it got dark and my mom made me stop digging
Why can't apes and humans breed?
Think about who WROTE the books. I've taken Genealogy, physiology, chemistry, Biology 1-4, in college. I've tutored kids on the evolution theory. The more I have learned the more it is clear that evolution theory had humongous holes and inconsistencies .
I used to believe we evolved from some ape like creature. I bought everything hook line and sinker. But the more I learned the more I realized they really have no proof of anything.
So yes pick up a book. Consider the source. Consider the agenda. Consider who is running things…has been running things. And, read it with careful scrutiny.