Look at all the sheep wearing masks living the lie. What a waste of human flesh. Sorry about that God.
It doesn't so much divide me from them as makes me feel sorry for them. The masks are damaging them psychologically like rape damages you. You're forced to endure something that you know is wrong and harmful to you and in the end many will be addicted to self harm because of it. Much much counselling will be needed for those that refuse to end mask wearing. So very sad.
Look at all the 'jew hate' being spewed by the jewish coalition forces.
Could it have something to do with losing North Korea, Ukraine, Iran and now Taiwan? The cornering of the Cabal has commenced.
Everybody has a bad day. This is a good baker.
Kek. Reminds me of the Flinstones lunch whistle.
bingo - too influential. too rich. too insulated from the law.
Rack up another retirement of a RINO in the middle of a successful career, almost guaranteed a seat in the US RINO Senate.
>Ducey 'convinced' to retire