What To Do in a Gas Attack
Step by step instructions for civilians who might suffer various forms of gas attack.
What To Do in a Gas Attack
Step by step instructions for civilians who might suffer various forms of gas attack.
America's Presidents Including Rare Early Inauguration Footage
Military Personal Hygiene To Prevent Disease
I Wouldn't Worry About China And The Chinese :-)
Duck and Cover - 1951 - What to do in case of atomic attack.
Famous Civil Defense film for children in which Bert the Turtle shows what to do in case of atomic attack.
God Bless Truckers & The Freedom Convoy!
I prefer a Mexican Hat Dance to a bunch of dancing Jews!
Asteroids Potentially Dangerous To Earth
Closeup of Vaccine Damage To Human Cells
Some of us are Veterans with 6 years military service. In my case, US Army starting in 69 during Vietnam.
Stick those Chickenshit comments about Anons up your ASS!
I shouldn't have made my comment. I am 70 and I know there are a lot of folks here that have served their country or would in a minute if needed.
Thank God for the 2nd amendment as long as we have it. It is our only chance to defend our home & families when the shit hits the fan.
I apologize for my rude comment Anon!
Lamborghini Urus Concept 2014
These Classic 50's and 60's TV Commercials Will Test Boomer Memories!
I grew up in the 50's & 60's and this excellent collection of TV commercials reminded me of sitting in front of the TV as a kid. It was a tiny Black & White set with Rabbit Ears that needed aluminum foil to get the distant stations.
Pinball played in Bowling Alleys & Poolhalls kept Boomers busy too!
Jupiter's Trojans & Hildas