Q hasn't dropped here in well over a year.
Objective discernment leads to the reason being because Trump is no longer POTUS.
Secondarily, another reason may be because of what happened to his private board.
Jim could be excused for it happening because a formerly trusted GV went rogue.
Much harder to be excused when the post was left on that board and continuing to fraternize with the same rogue GV that did it.
For the foreseeable future QR needs to come to terms with how to continue to exist in a post Q drop environment.
So, how best can QR continue to be a viable site in light of Truth Social on the verge of being the new place to be for all things Q?
One good way would be to be a better platform for non-illegal free speech to thrive than Truth Social will be.
The current deletion of OSS posts and of the JQ in general is far from being the differentiator it needs to be here.
It's time to reassess the current approach to administration of this board before it becomes a useless board war battlefield.