Thank you hall monitor.
It's a mix of shitposters.
Anons here for the lulz,
And the crew who keep it going for Jim Watkins, lest the whole site fail.
Carry on.
See how much of your data they need to 'join' first.
Then see if you get a ban for saying 'niggers' or 'its the Jews' or 'Transgenders are delusional'
If they let all that slide, it could be worth a peek.
If not, it will be moar garbage social media trying to control you.
>cheers for Ukrainian "Hero" Citizens
I keep seeing this.
The men are fighting for their country.
Or is it that the men aged 18-60 are not allowed to leave the country.
Even though there is no conscription in effect.
Ukrainian president is a fucking monster.
He throws the men in the line of fire for his deep state cronies.