it's not going to get through. Potato will just veto it.
Incoming Ukrainian refugees in 3…2….1….
sonanon wanted to take me to see Ron White. I asked him what venue, he told me. I said look up their covid requirements. They required masks. While watching a stand up comedian. I said nope, no fucking way.
yet none of them willing to risk their lives. just the lives of your kids. fucking hell.
Can we get just ONE fucking arrest of a current politician (rep or sen, don't care which)? Sure would be nice and go a long way to believing that some day they will be held accountable.
That's a state rep. We need one from federal. Had enough of the low hanging fruit. It's time to step up a rung or two on the ladder.
You are missing the point. There NEEDS to be some public commotion so some of the dumb motherfuckers start waking up.
National Security my ass. That's the excuse they use for classifying everything to cover up their crimes. I'm not saying take them all down at once. Just one well known name in our current government would help wake up the sheep. Just ONE. That's not too much to ask after all this time.
forgot to chek da quads
I get that. Still doesn't explain why we haven't gotten at least ONE. Just ONE.
that was my thought. if the sheep want to hand over their vax card and their money, not my problem. but they won't get a dime out of me. ever.
I don't give a shit what pisses them off. If there is solid evidence in court they will have no choice but to wake up. or neck themselves. don't care which at this point.
inb4 some faggot poasts Tiffany