most are here for the keks… Aint nothing likke QR on the light web…
ohhh the keks will put you to sleep kek…
kmfaooo… If only the Zombies understood what he really meant by WOMEN…
Worst part is, you dont know if hes gay…
Look at that Jenner thing, hes not gay…
Oh i thought you were talking bout the tranny swimmer kek…
I dont know who noticed it, but boy i needed that kek… had me giggling like a bitch…
Well thats NEWs to me kek… & retarded kek, guess its my fault for not knowing his life
completely kek…
kmfao man i heard from the media that he was dating a women… shouldve known not to believe it… they fucking got me kek…
kmfaooo… i thought it was forced to avoid charges for vehicular manslaughter…
You know, make trannys cool & you get off…
First pics im seeing of those dudes kek…
GOD BLESS that I dont sleep around!!!
kek been here since 2017… Guess i messed those breads…
3:34 actually… nice try fag kek…
So be like BIG L tell them niggas strip, i wanna see some birthmarks kek…
Ohhh anon is just showing me the horrors of Transgenderism…
100% men have to go back to courting females!!!
& i used FEMALES for a reason… cause Trannys call themselves women…
YEa i thought he did it cause the person he killed in the car accident…
My exact thoghut process
That nigga wouldnt be anything other then a bitch upstate, so he turned into a bitch to be
housed with bitches kek…
This anon is on track… Like putin said I AINT A WOMEN…
Oh i know… i started looking into that back in 2012ish… NIGGER shit that FAGS use…
You sure anon???
I could be wrong, never really cared for him that mcuh, but i could have sware i saw a pic of him
dressed as a guy in accident pics…
huh ??? kek matt damon threw me off…
Yea, but you see how i could see that as the catalyst… never paid attention to him before that…
kek i remember seeing it on daily mails snapchat back in 2015… even remembered the shirt color
ok can we talk about this ad kek.. 8kun butter??!?! kek WTF… get your popcorn ready kek